Page 10 of Nicolo DeLuca

“Simone, are you having second thoughts? I certainly hope not because I need you to do this. The family is counting on you. This alliance will guarantee peace for our family, not to mention the lucrative deals we will make once we are merged.”

“I know, Daddy, I am just tired. Don’t pay me any attention. I have not changed my mind. You know I am loyal to the family and will do whatever is needed to bring peace to our door.”

“That’s my baby girl. Now, I can tell you why I called. It is time for you to meet your fiancé. Your engagement party is this Thursday evening. You need to be at the venue no later than seven o’clock. Your mother will be calling later this week with the details and to make sure you have everything you need. She has planned the entire event with the groom’s mother. Everyone is excited.”

“I’m sure they are. Mama has already picked out my dress, shoes, and makeup. All I have to do is show up. Don’t worry. I’ll be ready, and I will make you proud. For Family.”

“For Family! I love you, baby girl. I’ll see you Thursday.”

Well. At least I won’t have to wait too much longer for my new life to start. Maybe the festivities will distract me from thinking about the Italian.


Sheree and I walked into the engagement party looking all kinds of good. My mom had selected the perfect dress for me. It was a white sheath dress with gold embellishments adorning it around the sweetheart neckline and around the waist. The frock conformed to my curves and flowed to the floor. I looked like a woman about to be married. It came with a floor-length cape that was decorated with the same gold embellishments. The outfit was elegant and made me feel like a goddess.

Sheree was dressed in a red peep-shoulder maxi dress that made her honey skin glow. The dress was more conservative than she was used to, but our mothers insisted that she wear that dress. She was threatened within an inch of her life if she didn’t comply.

“Are you ready to meet your future husband?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“You’re a good one. I don’t think I could give up that Italian dick. Girl, you should think about making him your side piece.”

“Are you crazy? The man I am meeting tonight is from a mafia family. They don’t play that shit. You’re trying to get me, and the Italian, killed.”

“My bad.”

I surveyed the room, looking for the man who would soon become my other half. I prayed we would get along and that we were compatible. I refused to spend the rest of my life with a man who only wanted to argue, fuss, and fight. Please let him be a good one! Please!

“You look amazing, baby girl,” my daddy chimed from behind me.

I turned to see his smiling face, but the smile was not genuine. He looked like he had been crying. That made me nervous as hell. Was my father having second thoughts? He left me no time to ponder this theory. My father bent down to kiss me on my cheek, and then he grabbed my hand.

“It’s time to meet your groom. Are you ready?”

“I stay ready…”

We both finished the statement together. It was our thing. “So I don’t have to get ready!”

“Let’s go, baby girl.”

I followed my father to the front of the room where a bunch of men and women who I didn’t recognize were gathered chatting with each other. They were white with Italian accents, which I thought was odd. I had assumed that I would be marrying a black man since my father was always spouting black love. When did my dad start working with Italians?

“Simone, these are your soon to be in-laws, Pietro and Sophia DeLuca, and their son, Nicolo.”

My breath caught in my chest, and I almost choked when my Italian turned around and looked me in the eyes. Thank you, Lord! You really came through for me. I couldn’t let my father know that Nicolo and I were already very well acquainted, so I smiled demurely and shook each person’s hand.

“It is very nice to meet you.”

“You as well,” Nicolo responded.

When he took my hand, I thought he was going to shake it, but he switched things up, and kissed it. Swoon! Electricity shot directly to my clit and a flashback of the epic night we spent together flooded my mind. Trying to keep myself grounded, I shot a look over to Sheree who was damn near drooling over my man. That caused me to glare at her, and she snapped back to normal.

Our parents had this whole ceremony planned where Nicolo officially proposed to me and presented me with a four-carat pear shaped, canary diamond ring. It was outstanding. Once I accepted, we were announced as betrothed, and then we were expected to dance together. It was kind of cute because it was Nicolo. If I hadn’t been attracted to my soon to be husband, it would have been torture. Looks like my luck in men had changed for the better. At least I knew we were compatible in bed. The rest we would have to learn along the way.

“Children, we will leave you alone to get acquainted,” Mrs. DeLuca chimed as the parentals walked away engaged in conversation.

“Fancy meeting you here,” I joked.