Page 7 of Summer Magic

We reach the top of the stairs, and she turns to the right, opening a bedroom door. I follow her inside, and she puts her arms out to her sides. “This is your room,” she says. “You have your own bathroom right through this door, too.” She points at a doorway, which I see leads to the bathroom.

“Wow, this is great,” I say, looking at all the suns, moons, and stars adorning the room. My mom would love this place.

“If you need anything, the number you can reach my aunt and me at is listed in the directory on the dresser.” She points to the dresser opposite the bed, and I see a binder sitting on top. I assume it’s full of B&B information and possibly information about the town of Seaside.

“Great. Thank you so much… what’s your name?” I ask, dying to know what her name is.

She smiles. “Olivia. And my aunt is Lorelei.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Olivia. Is it just you and Lorelei who run this place?”

She nods. “That’s right. I mean, we have a few part-time employees who help with the shop and housekeeping, but aside from them, it’s just us.”

“So, you live here, too?” As soon as I say the words, I realize how creepy it sounds, and I wish I could take it back.

She doesn’t seem creeped out, though. She smirks, and her cheeks blush. “I do. Lorelei and I both live here full time.”

“Well, I’m sure we’ll run into each other again while I’m here,” I reply, thankful I haven’t scared her away. The fact that she blushed tells me she may be interested in me, too.

Maybe this weekend will include more than just business. I could definitely use some pleasure in my life.


After dinner, I decide to sit on the back deck with a glass of wine and enjoy reading more ofFire and Ice.I’m still in shock that Stone Ryder is staying here at the B&B. Not to mention how incredibly handsome he is in person. The photo on the back of his book doesn’t do him justice.

The story is good, too. It’s no wonder he’s earned the accolades he has so far in his short career. Ever since I began readingFire and Iceyesterday, it’s been hard to put it down. Reading is a hobby of mine, especially mysteries such as this one. This is the first Stone Ryder book I’ve read, and I’m already three quarters of the way through it. I definitely plan to read his other two books after I finish this one.

It’s still light out, but the sun is getting low on the horizon. This is my favorite place to read, with the ocean waves crashing just yards away. I love living in Seaside.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps walking on the deck behind me. I turn to see who it is and am pleasantly surprised to see it’s Stone.

“Oh, hi, there,” he says, seemingly surprised to see me as well. “Is it okay if I sit out here to eat?” He holds up a brown fast-food bag in one hand and a soda in the other.

Stone Ryder is eating fast food?I don’t know why this is a surprising revelation for me. I guess I figured a famous author like himself would eat something a little higher class.

“Of course,” I reply, silently wishing he’ll sit in the Adirondack chair next to me, not at one of the other picnic tables on the deck. Although, I realize it would be more convenient for him to eat at a table.

Surprisingly, my wish comes true. He passes the tables and approaches me instead. “Mind if I sit here?” he asks, motioning toward the chair next to me.

Trying to remain cool, I simply say, “Sure. Go ahead.”

Stone sits in the Adirondack chair and sets his soda on the wide arm rest. He notices the book in my hands. “I hope you’re enjoying the book,” he says as he digs into his brown paper bag for his food, resting a napkin on the other wide arm rest and setting his fries on top of it.

I nod. “I am, actually. I just started reading it yesterday, and I’m already this far,” I reply, showing him how far I am into the book.

His eyes widen. “Wow. I’m glad you like it.” He unwraps his burger and takes a bite.

“You’re a great writer. I don’t usually read books this quickly, but I got sucked into the storyline right away.”

Stone swallows the bite he’s chewing, then takes a sip of his soda. I try not to ogle over his good looks. How ridiculous am I, watching this man eat a hamburger while imagining his lips nibble on my neck…?

“Thanks,” he replies. “I love writing, so it feels good when people compliment it.”

“Well, you’ve certainly had a lot of compliments the past year or so,” I say with a chuckle. “Your books are best sellers! That’s quite an accomplishment!”

Stone smiles. “Thank you. It’s still so surreal to me.” He chuckles before taking another bite of his burger. He seems genuinely humble, which makes him more attractive to me. Arrogance is like cold water on my libido. No matter how hot a guy is, if he’s too cocky, he’ll no longer be attractive to me.

I want to get to know this man better.