Page 4 of Summer Magic

“Hold on.” I quickly walk back into the parlor, grab the book I was reading, and carry it back to the front desk, laying it on the counter in front of him. “This is you?”

He looks at my book, then looks at me, his smile widening. “You’re reading my book?”

I nod. “Yes! And I’m loving it so far! It has rave reviews, so I had to check it out.”

“Thanks,” he replies.

“I had no ideayouwere the new guest arriving today. My aunt failed to mention that bit of information.”

He laughs, and for the first time, I notice his eyes. They’re two different colors. One eye is blue, and the other is brown. I never noticed that detail in his photo on the back of the book.

“So, what brings you to Seaside?” I ask, deciding not to comment on his eyes. That might sound like I’m hitting on him, and I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.

Although, maybe it wouldn’t be the wrong idea. When I first saw his photo on the book, I was attracted to him. Now, seeing him in person, I’m actually feeling something I haven’t felt in ages––turned on.

“I’m in town for the Seaside Festival’s book signing,” he replies. “It starts tomorrow and goes through the weekend.”

“That’s so cool. I’m surprised the Seaside Festival was able to book a famous author like you.”

Stone chuckles. “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t consider myself famous. They invite local authors, and I’m not too far away in Tacoma, so I made the cut.”

“You’re from Tacoma?” How did I not realize he was from my hometown?

“Sure am. I’ve lived there my whole life.”

“No way! I grew up in Tacoma, too!”

Stone leans against the counter. “Is that right? Where did you live?”

“I was in the Fircrest area. How about you?”

“I grew up in the south end, close to Parkland. Now, though, I’m near Point Defiance.”

My eyes widen, knowing he probably lives in one of those gorgeous remodeled old homes worth a million dollars on that side of town. “Wow, that’s awesome,” is all I can think to say.

For a moment, Stone and I just stand there, smiling at one another. I quickly snap out of it, though. I have a job to do, and unfortunately, it doesn’t include admiring Stone Ryder and imagining what he looks like with his shirt off.

I find the paperwork to check Stone in, then place it on the counter in front of him, moving my book out of the way. “I just need you to sign here,” I explain, pointing to where I need his signature. As he signs his name, I go on to explain everything I always tell our new guests about the property. He listens intently, and as I tell him where his room is located, I realize that he’ll be sleeping in the same room the newlyweds checked out of this morning––just on the other side of the wall from my room.

I wouldn’t mind hearing him moan like I heard the newlyweds going at it the past few nights. Especially ifIwas the one making him moan.

Jesus, I’ve never had such inappropriate thoughts about a guest before. I need to get a grip.

“Wait, the room I’m staying in is called the Celestial Room?” he asks, interrupting my spiel.

Nodding, I reply, “Yes. All of our rooms have different themes. You’ll be in the Celestial

Room on the second floor.”

Stone smiles again. “That’s really cool. I can’t wait to see it.”

“Would you like me to show you to your room?” I ask. This is something Ialwaysask new guests, but asking Stone feels scandalous… as if I have a hidden agenda to take him to his room.

“That’d be great,” he replies, and the muscles in my belly do a flop.

“Follow me.”

As I lead Stone up the stairs to his room, I know it’s ridiculous to think anything will ever happen between us, but I can still have fun and maybe flirt with him a little while he’s staying here. It’s been too long since I went out on a date, and as sad as it sounds, I haven’t slept with a man since Clint. My hormones are in overdrive. I’m perfectly capable of controlling them, though.