Page 45 of Summer Magic

“What?” Anni practically shrieks. I look at my friend, a smile spreading on my face. She smiles in return. “Oh, my gosh, Olivia! This is so exciting!”

“I know. Kind of unbelievable, but exciting.”

“It’s kind of fast, but I guess when you know, you know.”

I shift my weight onto my other foot. “Do you think it’stoofast?” I ask, wanting her honest opinion. This is something I’ve been wondering ever since I said those three little words to Stone.

Anni looks up at me again. “Doyouthink it’s too fast?” she asks. “I mean, does it matter what I or anyone else thinks? You and Stone’s relationship is just your business.”

“True…” Although I know she’s right, I still want to know her opinion. “But you’re my friend, and I want your honest opinion. Do you think I’m making a mistake?”

Anni looks thoughtful for a moment before she replies. “Like I said, my opinion shouldn’t matter, but if you want my honest opinion about it, here it is––” I look at my friend expectantly, hoping she doesn’t tell me I’m making the biggest mistake of my life. “I think Stone is a great guy. I only met him the one time, and I didn’t get to know him at all, but I could tell he was enamored with you.”

“You could?” I ask, surprised she thought that in the short amount of time she saw him.

She nods. “I could. It was in the way he looked at you. The way he spoke.” She shrugs a shoulder. “Sometimes you just get that feeling, you know? I got the feeling he was good for you. So, no, I don’t think you’re making a mistake. I wish you and Stone the best!”

I smile, relieved by her answer. “Thank you.”

“Now, the next time he comes to Seaside, let’s go out for dinner. I’d love to get to know him better… maybe he has a single friend?” She laughs.

“I would love that! And I’ll ask if he has any friends,” I say with a wink.

Later that evening, after successfully helping Anni deliver the wedding cake and enjoying a delicious dinner back at home with Lorelei, I decide to sit on the back deck to read a new book. Since I finishedFire and Ice,I decided to read Stone’s first book,The River.So far, I’m into it, although it’s a lot different fromFire and Ice.

My phone rings, so I look at the screen. I’m hoping it’s Stone calling, but I’m surprised to see Chelsea’s name on the screen.

“Hi, Chels,” I say when I answer.

“Hi! How are you doing?” she asks. I haven’t talked with her since our last phone call, so she has no idea what transpired with Stone after that.

“I’m doing good,” I reply, not sure if I should tell her everything that happened yet. It’s unusual for us to talk on the phone this often––we usually just text one another––so I’m a bit worried about what she has to say. Did Taylor say more about her relationship with Stone? Is she calling to tell me more bad news that I’ll have to ask Stone if there’s any truth to?

“Look, I wanted to call you because Carson actually talked to Taylor today.”

Shit.I don’t know if I want to hear this.

“Is that right?” I ask, trying to sound nonchalant about it. In reality, I’m trying not to freak out about it until I hear everything Chelsea has to say.

“Yeah, and he asked her about whatreallyhappened between her and Alex. He didn’t feel right about what happened the other night. He knows you and I have been friends forever, and he wants you to be happy.”

“That’s nice of Carson,” I say. It makes me feel good that my best friend’s fiancé has my best interest at heart.

“Taylor told him that she doesn’t remember saying that Alex had cheated on her. She laughed it off, saying she was young and dumb at the time, and she couldn’t remember exactly why they broke up. She said they just grew apart, and that was it.”

“What!” I can’t believe it. Although I believed Stone was telling me the truth, it’s still validating to hear that Taylor admitted he never cheated on her.

“Right? Carson couldn’t believe it. He got mad at her and told her what happened, how he stood up for her only to make things terrible for everyone involved Monday night. She apologized but still maintained that she couldn’t remember saying that Alex cheated.”

“Wow. That’s crazy!”

“Also, she hadnoidea that Alex is now the famous Stone Ryder. She was shocked to find out. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that happened, and that you and Alex––err, Stone––have both Carson and my blessing now. Carson is really sorry.”

Suddenly, I hear Carson’s voice in the background, “I’m sorry, Olivia! Please tell Alex I’m sorry, too!”

“Thank you,” I say. “To both you and Carson.”

“And just so you know, Taylorwillbe at our wedding. I hope that doesn’t deter you from wanting to bring Stone as your date. She’s bringing her husband, so she shouldn’t be an issue for you guys.”