Page 49 of Summer Magic

Sliding in and out, Olivia counters my movements. We move together at a steady rhythm. Our tongues swirl together as we kiss, and our hands roam each other’s bodies, mine finding her breasts again.

This is everything. Being with Olivia is everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some. As we continue to make love, I realize just how lucky I am to have found such an amazing woman.

I roll us over so Olivia’s on top, and she takes over, riding my cock. It’s not long before she grabs both of her tits in her hands, pleasuring herself even more. I rub her clit, and that’s all it takes. “Yes! I’m coming!” she calls as her muscles pulse around my dick, setting off my own orgasm.

“Olivia!” I say her name as I come, knowing it’s the only name I want to call out in ecstasy for the rest of my life.


Three months later…

“The couch can go right here,” I say, instructing the furniture movers where to put the new couch in the living room of my new beach house.

It only took a couple of weeks for me to find the perfect house to buy in Seaside, and I’m finally moving in today. Olivia and I have been looking forward to this day. Although I’ll go back to Tacoma from time to time, I’ll spend most of my time in Seaside, closer to her.

Although I tried to convince her to move in with me, she turned me down. However, I can’t blame her for saying no. She says it’s too soon to make that kind of commitment, and maybe she’s right. We’ve known each other for less than four months, and although it feels as if I’ve known her my whole life, I know I need to be patient. Things will happen eventually.

“Knock, knock.”

I turn toward the door and smile as soon as I see Olivia standing there. “Hey, baby,” I say, walking toward her. “How are you?”

She wraps her arms around me and kisses me on the lips. “I’m good. How’s the move going so far?”

Just then, the movers walk up the front steps carrying more furniture, so Olivia and I step aside. “It’s going pretty well. It’s nice not having to move everything myself,” I say, remembering when I moved into my house in Tacoma. A couple of my buddies helped me, and we movedallthe heavy furniture ourselves. This time is different, though, since I’m not moving out of my Tacoma house, so all the heavy furniture being moved here is being delivered straight from the furniture store.

Olivia looks around the living room. “It looks good so far,” she says.

“I’m excited to see everything once I’m finally settled.”

We plop down on the couch together. “I have some good news,” she says.

“Oh, really?” I ask, wondering what it could be.

She nods. “Mmhmm. I talked to Chelsea today. She said that Taylor and her husband willnotattend their wedding after all.”

I smile, but despite being happy about not having to see Taylor again, I’m curious what happened to make her skip her own brother’s wedding.

“Why isn’t she going?” I ask.

“Apparently, things came to a head with Carson. He caught her in another lie––something stupid, I don’t know––and he called her out on it. She called him a dick, and then Taylor’s husband got involved in the argument! Chelsea said it was a real shitshow, which ended with Taylor telling Carson that she will not attend their wedding.”

“Wow,” I say, trying to wipe the smile off my face. I feel bad about Carson’s relationship with his sister. I always thought he was a nice guy, and we always got along back when Taylor and I were together. But it’s a relief to know that my lying ex-girlfriend willnotbe in Vegas when we are. That’s a weight off my back!

“I’m excited to go to Vegas,” Olivia says, placing her hand on my knee.

“I am, too. It’ll be fun to get away with you. Especially somewhere fun like Vegas!” I lean over and kiss her briefly on the lips.

The movers continue to bring new furniture into the house, and I tell them which room to put it in.

“I love this place,” Olivia says. “I’m so glad this is the house you bought.”

“Me, too,” I reply. “It’s perfect in every way. It’s right on the beach, close to town, not too far away from you,andit has the yellow door.”

Olivia smiles. The yellow door drew me to this house in the first place. My mom once told me that she would love to have a house on the beach with a warm, welcoming, sunny yellow front door. When I saw the listing for this house, it instantly reminded me of her. It made me feel as if this house was meant to be mine, and it turned out to be the perfect house for me.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Olivia says, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I am, too, babe. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”