Page 2 of Summer Magic

Fuck it. I don’t want to be here.I’llfucking leave so I don’t have to deal with Clint’s bullshit.

I grab my purse from where I left it on the coffee table and walk out the front door, slamming it shut behind me.

I expect to see the woman leave the house before I pull out of the driveway, but I don’t. Clint doesn’t come after me either. How could he do this? After all we’ve been through the past several years, living together, talking about marriage in the future. Sure, we had our problems, but all relationships do. I never thought he would cheat on me like this.

Where do I go now? What should I do? I’ve lost my job and my boyfriend within a few hours of each other.

I decide to go to the only place I always yearn for. The one place I’ve always been welcome and feel completely stress free while I’m there.



“Ouch!” My hand springs back from the oven, dropping the hot pad on the ground. I shake my hand, hoping the burn isn’t too bad.

“Jesus, Olivia. You okay?”

I glance at Lorelei across the kitchen, then back at my hand. The burn is small and barely noticeable, but it stings. “Yeah, I’m all right.”

“Put some ice on it,” she says.

“Nah,” I reply, picking up the hot pad off the ground. “It’ll be fine.”

“Tough as nails,” Lorelei mutters, loud enough for me to hear.

I reach into the oven again, careful not to burn myself this time, and pull out the muffin tin. I set it on the counter, then close the oven door.

If you had told me after I lost my job two years ago that I would end up living in Seaside, Oregon, helping my aunt run her bed & breakfast, the Sandy Shore Inn, I would’ve thought you were nuts. When I left Clint and the girl I caught him fucking, I drove straight here. Lorelei welcomed me with open arms, and within two weeks, I was completely moved out of the house I shared with Clint in Tacoma. At first, it was difficult to leave my whole life behind, but I knew it was exactly what I needed––a fresh start. Lorelei and I have always had a special relationship, and she helped me pick up the pieces of my life and move on.

Now, my life consists of baking goods for the bed & breakfast, as well as working the front desk. I also help work in the gift shop from time to time. My job is low key, low stress, and I enjoy it more than I ever thought possible. I don’t miss the fast-paced life I was living before. I’m happier now.

The ding of the bell alerts us that someone is at the front desk. I look at Lorelei, who’s loading the dishwasher. “I’ve got it,” I say, heading in the direction of the front desk.

“Thanks,” Lorelei replies.

I make my way to the front desk and find the honeymoon couple from Portland who has been staying with us the past couple of days. They must be ready to check out.

“Good morning,” I say as I approach the counter. “How are you two doing?”

“Wonderful,” the woman says, a smile plastered across her face. The two of them have stayed in the room that shares a wall with my own, and I can vouch that they certainly are doing ‘wonderful.’ I can’t always hear couples having sex on the other side of the wall, but once in a while, it happens. This chick wasloud.

“Are you two checking out now?” I ask, knowing full well today is the day they’re leaving.

“Unfortunately, yes,” the husband replies, his arm around his wife’s waist. “We enjoyed our stay, but it’s time for us to drive south.”

“Oh, where are you going?” I ask.

She smiles. “Next is Coos Bay before we head into California.”

“That sounds like a nice trip you have planned,” I say as I find their paperwork. “We’re glad you chose to stay here with us at the Sandy Shore Inn.”

“We really enjoyed our stay. We love the aesthetic here!” She smiles, and I return the gesture.

“We’d love to have you stay with us again sometime,” I say, sliding their paperwork toward them. “I just need a signature here.”

The husband lets go of his wife and signs their bill. “We’ll definitely be back.”

That’s the usual response when guests check out. People love this place, not only for its location––we’re right on the beach––but we have five-star reviews on every platform. We’re booked throughout the year, but summertime is our busiest season, of course. The next few days will be our busiest because of the Seaside Festival that’s starting. The annual event always draws large crowds.