

As nervous asyou’d think I would be, I’m not. I am excited though.

Brady and I stand on his front porch as we watch a beautiful woman with brunette hair, a handsome, red-headed man, and two adorable little kids walk from the car parked in the driveway. The woman’s smile gets bigger and bigger the closer they get. Brady and her take off at the same time. He takes the steps two at a time and she rushes forward. They meet at the bottom of the steps and he scoops her up into his arms.

She laughs, and I can’t help the huge smile that crosses my lips at the beautiful family reunion.

Brady said it’s been almost two years since the last time he saw his sister and her family. Between them living in California and her and her husband’s careers then taking care of their rugrats, they’ve been quite busy. Brady hadn’t wanted to leave Addison alone for more than a day at a time, because her destructive behavior had gotten worse over the last few years. He was worried what she would do if left alone too long.

It’s amazing how well Addison was able to hide her craziness for as long as she did. I mean, most of the town knew she was extremely possessive over Brady. We just didn’t know to what extent.

It’s equally amazing how well Brady was able to hide how bad it was at home. After hearing everything she put him through, everything she did to him, the spousal abuse, the constant threats, I wanted to dig the woman up and kill her again. I’ve never been a violent person, but I honestly can’t say I wouldn’t do her harm if she were in front of me.

Brady lets Wendy go and turns to the man beside her. They shake hands and slap each other on the arm.

“Jack. It’s good to see you, man.”

Wendy’s husband grins. “You too.”

Brady looks down at the two kids. Caleb, who is five, and his three-year-old sister, Emery. He picks them both up, one in each arm and they beam their big smiles at him.

“How are my two favorite little people?”

Despite not seeing him in nearly two years, they know their uncle Brady well from all the Skype calls they have several times a week. I’ve been around for a few of those calls.

While Brady listens to Caleb and Emery describe in detail the plane ride, Wendy shifts her focus on me. A smile plays on her lips as she slowly ascends the stairs to where I’m standing. We haven’t officially met. Not in person anyway. We’ve only seen each other through video chats. I wasn’t present for the conversation Brady had with her about everything Addison had done and the reason behind his marriage to her, but Brady explained she was very upset and felt it was her fault for everything he’s been through. Of course, Brady doesn’t feel the same and was very adamant that she not blame herself.

The first time Brady introduced us over video chat, I could see the relief on her face, and I think it stemmed from seeing Brady so happy after seeing him despondent for so long.

Neither one of us says anything at first. We just embrace like we’re long lost friends coming together for the first time in years. We both have tears in our eyes when we pull back, still holding hands.

“This is so strange,” Wendy says with a laugh. “I feel like I already know you so well, but we’re just meeting.”

I laugh along with her. “I know. I feel the same. Brady talks about you and the kids all the time. I’m so glad we finally get to meet in person.”

I felt an instant connection with Wendy the first time we chatted. I don’t know if it’s because I love Brady so much and it’s not hard to see she adores her older brother, or if we just share kindred spirits.

Brady, still holding the kids, walks up the steps with Jack following him. He stops at my side, and I’m surprised when Emery immediately reaches out for me.

My heart turns to mush when I gather the girl in my arms and she squishes my cheeks together, planting a smacking kiss against my lips. “Hey, Auntie Cam.”

Wendy laughs at my surprised expression. “Her and Caleb started calling you that when I told them you and Uncle Brady were getting married, which meant you would become their aunt.”

One of the reasons for their visit is Brady and I are tying the knot in two days. Six months ago, he asked me to marry him. I yelled out a tearful yes. Then he announced I had six months to plan it, because he wasn’t waiting a moment longer. I was okay with that.

I look back at the little girl. “Hey there, beautiful.”

Emery leans forward, like she wants to tell me a secret, but bless her heart, her voice carries so everyone can hear. More specifically, her mortified brother.

“Caleb finks you’re pretty.”

Everyone laughs, except for Caleb, making Emery giggle.

“Mom,” he whines. “Sissy told my secret.” He scowls at his sister. “You aren’t supposed to tell secrets.”

The little girl looks contrite. “I’m sorry, brother.”