Maybe the man is stupid.

“You’re just as delusional as her if you think her behavior matches everyone else’s. I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t slice someone’s tires because they smiled and thanked a person for holding a door open for them.”

“It was never proven that it was her.”

I let my eye roll speak for itself.

“Are we done talking about my wife?”


“Good. Now how about you tell me why you feel like you need to drink alone in this shitty bar?”

“Are you a shrink now?”

“No, just trying to help a friend out.”

“I hate to break it to you, but we aren’t friends. Your wife would go ballistic if we were.” I pat my hair. “I like my hair right where it is, thank you.”

“I thought we were done talking about Addison.”

I shrug. “Just stating a fact.”

He drains his glass and orders another. He waits until it’s been delivered to turn his head toward me.

“You going to answer my question?”

It takes my fuzzy brain a moment to remember what his question was. I snap my fingers when it comes back to me.

“That’s right. You wanted to know why I’m here.” I break open another straw and don’t bother putting it in my drink. I just take a bite off the end. “I walked in on the guy I was dating eating out another woman.”

Brady nearly spits out the swallow he just took. “Jesus,” he mutters, picking up a napkin to wipe his mouth. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

“What did you do?”

I break off a piece of chocolate and throw it in my mouth. “I left with them none the wiser. Went home and tossed out the few things he had at my house. Then left him a very nasty text message.”

“What an asshole. It was Robert Greer, wasn’t it?”

I don’t let my surprise show that he knows who the guy is I was dating. “Yes.”

“You’re better off without him. The guy’s always been a prick. Even back in high school.”

I nod my agreement. “I was an idiot to give him the time of day. He was a few grades above me, but I remember the rumors of him being a player. Guess I thought he grew up. Apparently, I was wrong.”

For the next several moments, neither of us says anything. I nurse my drink, because as much as I want to get plastered enough to forget what happened today, I still need to be able to function. I’m not that upset over what Robert did because we weren’t serious, and I don’t think we were even heading in that direction. But no matter how casual a relationship is, no one wants to be cheated on.

My bladder reminds me that I never went to the bathroom. Tipping my glass to my lips, I drain the rest.

“Ladies room,” I mutter and get up from my stool. Just like before, I embarrass myself by stumbling and Brady is forced to catch me again.

I close my eyes for a moment when my vision blurs. Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have had that last drink.

“How about I walk you to the restroom?”

I open my eyes and try to focus them on Brady. Men with Brady’s looks should not be allowed to walk around freely. It could be dangerous for unsuspecting females because it could cause them to do stupid stuff. Maybe that’s why Addison is so crazy when it comes to him.