“You have a good day,Mrs. Miller. And give us a call if you have any problems with that new prescription.”

“Thank you, dear. You have a lovely day too.”

I watch as the ninety-year-old woman shuffles away, hoping that if I reach her age, I’m just as spry and mobile as she is.

Going back to the computer, I pull up the newest round of prescriptions that came in. After verifying each one, I print out labels and put them on the appropriate bottles then pull the medication from the shelves.

I’m so into what I’m doing that I don’t see a customer walk up until a throat clears. With a smile on my face, I turn, and then freeze in place. It takes me a moment to unlock my limbs to walk over to the counter.

I dart my eyes around, making sure no one is paying attention, before leaning over the counter. “What are you doing here?” I hiss.

His lips twist into a smirk. “Picking up a prescription. That’s what people do at pharmacies, right?”

Cue palm to forehead. Of course, he’s picking up a prescription. He’s certainly not here to see me.

I plaster on a fake smile. “Is the prescription for you or someone else?”

His gray eyes watch me for a moment before he answers. “Mine.”

I feel his lingering gaze on me when I go to the hangers where all the prescriptions are and find his name. I don’t know why, but I’m nervous as I walk back to the counter. This man has seen me naked before. Had his hands on pretty much every inch of my body. I have no reason to be jittery.

I keep my eyes averted from his as I ring up his prescription. “Will that be all?”

When he doesn’t answer, I lift my eyes to him. He’s watching me, his gaze full of something I can’t fully name, but it sends goosebumps popping up all over my body.

“How have you been?” he asks, his voice low.

I swallow past the dryness in my throat. “Fine. I’ve been fine.”

His gaze flickers down to my mouth, and unconsciously, I lick my lips. The move has his eyes flaring, heating in a way that has an ache forming between my legs.

This shit has got to stop. It’s ridiculous how easily my body reacts to him. He doesn’t even need to touch me, and I’m ready to jump him like a dog in heat.

“How are you?” I ask, desperately needing something else to focus on besides how good he looks in his suit and how much I want to run my fingers through his perfectly styled hair and muss it up.

“Good,” he answers, and from the rough edge of his voice, I’d say he’s having just as much trouble as I am.

I jerk my eyes away from him and gesture to his prescription. “Is there anything else you want?”

“Yes.” My eyes ping back to him at his roughly spoken word. “But, I can’t have the other thing I want.”

My body warms, causing me to rub my legs together at the meaning behind his statement.

“Brady,” I start, then glance around us again to make sure I won’t be overheard. “You can’t… we can’t….” I swallow and try again. “This has to stop.”

His lips press into a firm line and a look of frustration swims in his eyes. “I know,” he grumbles.

Spotting a customer approaching over his shoulder, I quickly finish ringing him up and give him his total. He pays with his credit card and takes the bag I hold out to him. I don’t know if he does it on purpose or if it’s by accident, but his fingers brush against mine. Just that small touch has my stomach quivering and my cheeks flushing. He feels it too.

“See you later, Camila,” he says before walking off, and I wonder if he means that literally or it’s just a generic statement.

I force a smile at the man who walks up after him and try to push away any and all thoughts of Brady Masters from my mind.

Unfortunately, no matter how much I try, he stays stuck inside my head for the rest of the day.

* * *