I can still feelhim when I pull up to my house twenty minutes later. Not in an imaginary sense. I can physically feel the press of his hips on the inside of my thighs. The stretch of his cock as he pounded into me. The indents of his fingers digging into my ass as he held me up. The warmth of his cum when he shot his release inside me.

I squirm in my seat as I put the car into park. My panties are squishy from our combined release. I didn’t take the time to clean myself up before I shot out of his office. Having my panties soaking wet should feel uncomfortable, but oddly, it’s not. It’s the opposite, in fact. Is it weird for me to want to stay in them all day, just to have a little bit of Brady’s essence with me?

Before I ran from the room, I did stop long enough to tell him this could not happen again. I hated saying the words, and from his expression, he hated them just as much. But he gave me a jerky nod anyway. We both know how wrong what we’re doing is and that it can’t continue. It doesn’t mean we have to like it though.

Why in the hell does he have to be married? And to a crazy bitch, at that?

When I get out of my car, I see my sister, Harley’s, SUV sitting out front, and it’s then I realize how much I must have been stuck in my thoughts because I’m just noticing it. I really don’t want to deal with my sister right now, but I know she won’t leave until she damn well pleases.

She’s not in her car, so that must mean she’s already in the house. I can hear music blaring from my stereo as I climb the steps. I can barely hear myself think when I push the door open, and I head straight for the entertainment center to turn it down. I turn and look for my quadruplet, and find her out on my patio. She’s laying out on one of the loungers, clad in a skimpy, bright-pink bikini. The suit is so revealing she may as well be sunbathing naked.

I walk out the partially closed door and stand over her, blocking the sun. She flips up her sunglasses and looks up at me.

“Hey, sis,” she chirps with a toothy grin.

“You have your own backyard for this. Why do you always come here to lay out?”

“Because the sun hits your backyard better.” She says it like I’m daft in the head. “Also, the eye candy here is a lot better.” She looks to the neighbor’s yard before she brings her eyes back to me and wiggles her brows.

“Max is married, you dummy. Happily. You have negative chances with him.”

She scowls and rolls to her butt to sit. “I know that. It’s not like I want to seduce the man. I’m not a homewrecker. I’d never actually sleep with a married man, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look.”

I wince at her words and shame gnaws at my insides. Is that what I am now? A homewrecker? The type of woman who causes marital problems between a husband and wife? My stomach sours with self-disgust, and I spin away from Harley to go back inside, worried my expression might give me away.

“Whatever,” I toss over my shoulder. “I’m making something to eat. Are you staying?”

She follows me into the house, closing the back door behind her. She slips her arms in a flimsy cover-up. “No. I actually have a date tonight.”

I walk into the kitchen to the fridge. “Oh yeah? With who?”

There’s a hundred percent chance I’ll know him.

She plops down on a stool at the bar, leaning across it to snag one of my wrapped chocolate straws and peels it open. She sticks one end in her mouth and snaps off a bite.

“No one local. He lives in Mahan County. We met through a dating app.”

I pause as I start taking out the ingredients for a chicken salad sandwich. The motel Brady and I had sex in is in Mahan County. The chances of this guy seeing Brady and I together are really slim, but it still makes me uncomfortable to think about.

“What’s his name?” I ask, making small talk as my mind conjures all kinds of ‘what if’ scenarios.


I nod absently. “And what does he do?”

“He’s a computer engineer.”

I look up at her as I combine the chicken salad ingredients. “You sure it’s safe to be dating guys you meet on the internet?”

One shoulder goes up. “It’s the thing to do these days. I don’t have time to go out enough to meet men in person. This makes it quicker. Besides, are you really questioning me about meeting men over the internet? Isn’t that how you met Robert?”

And look where that got me? My family doesn’t know Robert and I aren’t seeing each other anymore. Frankly, although they would be right, I don’t want to hear the I told you so’s they would surely throw out. Especially Harley, since she couldn’t stand Robert from the first moment she met him.

“Just promise me you’ll be careful. And carry your mace with you.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, Mom.”