“Is this like a thing?” I ask and hate myself when my voice cracks, “you guys get up when everyone is asleep and what? Pray to the Devil?”
“‘You guys’? What are you talking about?” His eyes narrow in on me and the hatred is clear.
“Squall is in the kitchen.” I look back and still see nothing in the darkness.
“Go back to your room.” He says slowly as if I’m hard of hearing, “now.”
I brush past him and hurry up the stairs, not bothering to check if he’s still watching me. I’m fucking creeped out and I just want to be back with Raiden. I get to the top of the stairs and turn down the hallway that leads to Raiden’s room, only to smack into another hard chest.
“Little sister,” Torrent sneers, “how’s my brother? I was just on my way there.”
“He’s fine,” I swallow, and chance another look over my shoulder.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something weird is happening,” I don’t know why I’m telling him this, he’s probably off to join the other two. “Hail and Squall are both up, too.” I shake my head and blow out a breath, “maybe the basement freaked me out more than I thought.”
“Itisa pretty freaky place, especially if you’ve been tortured there.” He sounds apathetic, not an ounce of sympathy.
“I’m going to bed.” I mutter as I move around him.
“And in my brother’s bed no less, I guess it’s really official now, huh little sis?”
His voice sends shame through me and I hurry away from the sound. This is the weirdest fucking night and I hope I don’t see another fucking soul before I get back to the room.
Once I’m back, I find Raiden still sound asleep, and his breathing even. A few moans escape him and I know exactly what he’s feeling. Sleeping was difficult for me for nearly a month after my back was destroyed. I walk by the bed and head to the window, he has a much better view than I do. His window shows the back of the estate and a large, well maintained maze in its center. It looks beautiful and eerie at the same time.
As I stare out at the maze, I see a body moving inside of it, a hooded body. The build could be any of the three I saw roaming the house tonight, but what are they doing out there? Another one appears from the side of the house and runs along the treeline, heading in the same direction as the first.
“Demon,” I turn to Raiden at the sound of his voice, “come back to bed.”
I look back out the window and see nothing, no one running through a maze or in the trees. “Okay.” I whisper, heading back to bed.
Did I imagine that?
I wake up to Raiden standing at the end of the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist and watching me.
“Good morning?” It comes out like a question as I slowly sit up and stretch. “Why are you watching me?”
“We didn’t make it this far last year and I’ve been dreaming of you in this outfit.” He walks into the closet and I quickly cover my mouth to muffle the gasp, his back is a fucking mess. “Tonight is lace.” He says as he comes back out holding white lace fabric.
He opens it up and it’s a long white, vintage robe dress, completely lace with no inner lining. “You’ll see everything underneath.” I point out.
“Wear a bra and panties,” he lifts his brow in question.
“How’s your back?”
“Fine,” he waves me off and tosses the dress on the bed.
“Raiden,” I sit up and grab for my robe. “Strange shit was happening last night.”
“Like what?”
“After you fell asleep, I went to the kitchen and I ran into all the guys but at different points of the house and they were acting weird,” when he lifts his brow again, I roll my eyes, “like weird even for them.”
“How so?” He begins to get dressed and I notice he winces with each movement.
“Just sneaky and then I thought I saw people outside running to the end of the property and through the maze.”