Page 22 of Song of Tenebrae

“I’ll clean up the dressing room and we’ll meet back here.” She says.

I head towards the front when the dressing room door slams behind me. I turn and look at it and shrug when I hear nothing further, Sky is probably pissed this is happening for the second night in a row. It won’t break us by any means but it’s annoying.

I stop suddenly when I hear a noise coming from the front. It sounds like music but that doesn’t make any sense, the power is out. I look back behind me toward the dressing room and then once again to the front. My heart is slamming against my ribcage and I curse under my breath because my knife is sitting inside my vanity drawer.

I take a few steps forward and open the curtain to the stage, looking out into the pitch black of the club. I still hear it and my mouth goes dry when I realize it’s the solemn notes of Hotel California by The Eagles. It transports me back to Dominica and the man that ripped me to shreds, both literally and figuratively.

It’s complete blackness at first and I look over my shoulder once more, where’s Sky? Then the music rises and I look to the front of the stage, a single light illuminates a hooded face.


“Dance for me, Tempest Skeigh Verona.” That voice.Sing me a song, Tempest Skeigh Verona.I both hoped and feared I’d hear it again. “You’re dressed for it.”


Of course, I sound scared and of course I’m wearing a pair of assless chaps, with my knife sitting back in the dressing room. Where the fuck is Sky?

“You’re in danger.” He says and my eyes roll into the back of my head at the sound of his voice. “I need you to come with me. Preferably, willing.”

“No.” Finally my voice comes out strong and sure, “have you been the one fucking with my power?”

He stands and takes a few steps toward the stage, The Eagles finally crooning about a haunted hotel. His body is exactly the way I remember it, tall, and oh so very wide. Shrouded in darkness, the mystery of Raiden James floating around him, and his presence hasn’t changed. He’s ominous, dangerous, and compelling. He’s a Venus Flytrap and I’m nothing but an unsuspecting fly.

“Tempest,” he rasps, “I need you to come with me.”

“No.” I say again and hold my breath as he drops the hood. The little illumination from his phone shines along his features and I stand mesmerized.

I’m convinced Raiden doesn’t age, maybe it’s the sacrificing he does, and he absorbs the souls of children or something. I wouldn’t put it past him. His black coarse hair is cropped short and I can see the grey at the temples. The warmth of his skin shines in shades of sepia, making his golden-green eyes pop, and his nose still has the double piercings. His full mouth is still framed by a greying goatee and the length has remained the same at a few inches below his chin.

“They’re coming for you.” I know who he’s talking about without needing him to explain and still, I would rather face down an Illuminati army than go anywhere with him. He must see it, the resolute conviction on my face because he jumps up on stage, and slowly steps toward me. “Do you have that knife ready?”

How could he know that? How could he know I carry his knife everywhere?

He’s about six feet in front of me and I can smell him, earth, musk, andman.It’s a scent I will never forget and having it so close finally slams me out of my reverie. His face still looks hauntingly beautiful but void of any emotion, his eyes trained on me are shining orbs of fucking nothing, and he’s reading me like a fucking book.

I lock down my fear, I grab the stubborn bitch inside me by the hair, and I shove her out in front, forcing my lust for the devil to recede. He sees the moment I change and answers it with a grin of his own, like he knew this would happen. He’s been working up for this and I refuse to make it easy for him.

My feet turn and I flee to the curtain, knowing full well my ass is on display for him. I hear his answering chuckle and then his boots as he thunders after me. I jump over a few steps, landing on the hallway floor, and then scramble for the dressing room. Sky is there and so is my knife, I need to get in there. I hit the door just as Raiden’s feet thump down over the stairs, landing a mere ten feet from me. I grab the handle and turn it, shoving my body into the door, only to bounce back from the force. I shake the handle and bang on the door.

“Sky!” I scream and then I feel him behind me, his breath hitting the top of my head. “Sky.” It comes out weaker and I let my forehead hit the wood door.

His arm comes around my waist, and his touch brings out two conflicting emotions. Anger and lust. My hand slides along his and just as he gasps on a quick intake, my head is slamming back into his face.

Chapter Eight


The pain explodes up through my chin and into my lip as my tooth cuts through the flesh. I was stupid and really believed she was feeling something, giving into me, and preparing to let go. I was stupid. Of course, my little demon wouldn’t just give up, not after what I put her through, and I can’t even be mad, I’m excited. Time hasn’t lessened her anger and just as Sky warned, she’s out for blood.

“Tempest!” I roar as blood runs into my mouth and down over my chin. She shoves me back and runs for the large escape door, her ass cheeks bouncing and taunting me.

I run after her and grab her around the waist just as she gets the door open. We both see into the parking lot and her security guy is still in his car, the one with the blond hair.

“Jay!” She calls, “call the cops.”

I chuckle as I haul her back inside, pressing my bloodied lips to her neck, and licking a path up to her ear. I moan loudly from the taste of her and surprisingly she moans in response. “Jay won’t help you,” I whisper into her ear, “he’s a few thousand dollars richer just by letting me stay inside and ignoring whatever came after.”

“No,” she whispers, “I trusted him.”