Page 54 of Song of Tenebrae

“Not for most people,” he grits out, “but you and I are more similar than you think.”

I reach around him and grab his flaccid cock through his pants, still more than a fucking handful, “not for the ones receiving the pain either.”

“Not always, unless that’s what you want.” He answers as he starts to grow hard in my hand.

“Once we reach seven,” I squeeze him tight, “will you be able to fuck me in your blood?”

“I told you we’d make that outfit bloody, how else can we do that?”

I moan and take a step back, lifting the whip and giving him two consecutive lashes. The second one makes him groan loudly and again I’m buzzing all over at the sound.

“Three and four.” I grin.

“She really is a little demon,” Torrent’s eyes are bright and his mouth is spread in a wide smile. He looks proud of me.

The blood is beginning to run down his back in thin rivulets now, gathering at the waistband of his pants. That won’t do, there’ll be no blood on the floor if something is there to soak it up. I drop the whip and grip my fingers into his pants.

“What are you doing?” He asks as he tries to look over his shoulder, but the swollen welts make his movements short.

“I want the blood to hit the floor,” I explain.

Torrent chuckles at the same time Sky whimpers, she’s really going to think I’m fucked up after this. I get his pants down and decide he doesn’t really need his underwear either. Everyone here has seen it all anyways. I get them both down and kicked aside.

“Ready?” I ask as I pick the whip back up.

“Hurry the fuck up with it.” He growls and I laugh.

“If I had said that, I would’ve ended up with double the lashes.”

“She’s not wrong,” Torrent agrees and I start to warm up to him.

“Will you shut the fuck-” I cut Raiden off with another sharp lash to the back and his muscles bulge as he screams out.

“That one hurt,” Torrent nods.

“Five.” I sing-song.

The blood is steadily flowing now in several spots and I watch gleefully as they begin to drip on the floor.

“This was the lash that had me fighting for consciousness,” I say as I run my finger through his blood, “the sixth one was pure agony and so was your cock being forced inside me.”

I quickly hit him, sounding like a tennis player as I put all my strength into it, and my pussy floods as he screams.


His head hangs and I peek around his body to make sure he’s still conscious. I don’t want him passing out before the climax, that would be no fun. His breathing is rapid but when he senses me staring at him, he looks right at me.

“One more, baby.” He whispers, and my heart soars with the pet name.

His back is shredded and the blood is steady as it drips off his buttocks in large splats to the floor. One lash criss-crossed over two others and where they meet, the flesh is hanging off and I can see the pale white of tissue.

“I don’t think I can do another,” I tell him as I stare at the gaping wound.

“It must be seven,” Torrent calls out. “You took seven, what makes you think he can’t?”

“Truth.” Raiden says through his heavy breathing, “you took them.”

I did.