“Listen,” he steps closer to me and I refuse to budge. “How about you come back to our hotel and we’ll have an after party?”
“No, now move.”
“Look, we’ll pay you.” I watch his jaw clench under his beard.
“You wouldn’t be able to afford me.”
He begins to laugh and his friends join in, “listen slut,” he wraps a hand around the column of my throat, “I’ll pay you with my rock-hard dick.”
I should be afraid of his hand around my throat, but I’ve had worse, and really, his grip is nothing like Raiden’s. He’s a fucking pussy cat in comparison. “That wouldn’t be enough either.” I smirk.
His growl is the only warning I have and then my back is thrown against the rough brick exterior. He presses his body into mine, the hand around my throat tightening, and his cock pressing into my stomach. I snort and look down, “like I said.”
“Do you want to die?” his spit hits my cheek and I smile wider.
“I’ve already been to Hell and back, you fucking bitch.” I grab onto the front of his shirt and drag him in closer still, “the Devil couldn’t even handle me, what makes you and your little dick so sure you can?” he shifts back slightly, the hand around my throat relaxing, and his eyebrows lifting. “Oh, come on. Don’t be scared now.” I look over to his friends, “wouldn’t you all like a good luck spell before you leave.” I tighten my fist in his shirt, dragging him in again, “one that’ll make this little dick grow?” I whisper.
“Billy,” one of his friends clears his throat, “let’s hit up the next spot. Fuck this witch.”
“Billy,” I croon and he drops the hand from my throat, he tries to step back but I still have his shirt firmly in my grasp, “no, don’t leave yet. The fun was just beginning.”
“Let go of me slut.” He snarls and tries to yank his shirt out of my grip.
I ram my knee up into his balls and quickly turn on his friends, letting my smirk crowd my features. They hold up their hands just as the entrance door flies open and Sky is standing there, staring them all down.
“Have a good night, boys.” I blow them a kiss as I saunter by. “Y’all come back now, ya hear?”
I hear a few mumbles but none of them are brave enough to say anything aloud and I don’t wait around to find out. I get inside and breathe out the adrenaline.
“So?” Sky searches my face, “did you see anyone?”
“No,” I brush past her. “Tiny is just wishing for it and therefore seeing it.”
“Oh,” she sounds dejected as she follows me back to our apartment.
“Sounds like you wanted it to be one of them.” I turn on her and she smiles.
“I’m going to go start shutting things down.” Her hand lands on my cheek, “you need to stop taking chances with men, there may be one you can’t handle down the road.”
“I’ve already met him.” I retort as I storm away.
Chapter Three
My back is to the brick wall and the familiar feeling of rage slips over me. Some for Billy who is encroaching on what’s mine but the majority of it is for the woman who’s laughing at danger in its fucking face. She was always headstrong and stubborn, but this is a whole new level of recklessness. She says she’s already been to Hell and back and I’m guessing she’s referring to me as the devil. But what she doesn’t realize is that she was nowhere near Hell, more like purgatory, and if the elders ever find her, Hell’s wrath will burn her for eternity.No Demon, you know nothing of Hell yet.
I peer around the corner and watch as Billy’s friends scrape him off the pavement, my smile forming against my efforts to hold it back. She really did handle herself and I’m proud of her, but I can’t let it go unpunished. I’ll just add it to the ever-growing list of shit she’ll have to repent for. It’s the only thing I look forward to, making her scream through pain and pleasure.
I follow behind the group of men and watch as Billy once again regains his composure. His hand is still gripping his balls and I can hear him cursing my demon.
“I will go back there soon and I’ll show her just how big my fucking dick is.”
His friends snicker and pat him on the shoulder, as if he’s just blowing off steam, but I know he’s not. I’ve known men like him and I can see a bruised ego a mile away, it radiates an angry blood red color. There’s no limit to his anger and his threats aren’t idle.
“She’ll be sorry she fucked with me.” He continues, stoking my anger to match his.
“Billy,” one of his friends tsks, “let it go man, she’s nothing but a witch slut.”