My cock swells with the thought and I let it stay where it’s noticeable, not bothering to adjust it. Torrent’s eyes stay on me as his forked tongue slips out and flicks against Demon’s ear. Her small gasp has my vision slowly turning red and yet I don’t move.
“Torrent,” Hail interjects our stare down, “cut this shit out into lines. I fucking need some.”
Relief is immediate as Torrent backs off Tempest with a chuckle and throws me a wink. He knows what he’s doing and I hate that it’s fucking working. I can’t have him thinking my demon makes me weak.
“Tempest,” I put enough demand into my voice and she spins around to face me. “Get up on the table and let Torrent cut some lines into that gorgeous stomach.”
Torrent’s face lights up with pleasure as Tempest’s burns red with anger. She hates that I’m drawing attention to the pentagram on her stomach but I really don’t care how she feels about it, I fucking want everyone to know who put it there.
“Now.” I grit out when she doesn’t move and Torrent slaps his hand on the table.
“You heard the man, get that fine ass up here.”
She gives me one last defiant look and then it morphs into something cunning. She backs up slowly until her ass hits the edge of the table and then her hands fall to the tabletop, her long black nails digging into the surface.
“Temp,” Sky shouts out her name in warning but my demon ignores her as she hoists herself up and plants her ass to the wood.
“Like this?” she asks, her eyes slowly leaving mine to look at Torrent.
“Yeah,” he grins, “lay back.”
She does as she’s told by him without complaint and again, I can feel my blood boil at her behavior. I can’t wait to fucking lay into her ass. He leans over her and dumps a bag onto her scarred flesh and when he begins to cut out the lines, she tsks loudly.
“Why don’t you come here,” she opens her legs wide, “it’ll be easier.”
Again, my teeth clash together and I watch as my brother smiles wide at me, wasting no time moving down to the end of the table. When he gets there, he looks between her legs and whistles.
“I was wondering if you could wear panties in this,” his eyes stay trained on her displayed pussy.
“I’m sure that was the whole point of it.” She looks over at me, “right?”
I shrug and give her a nonchalant wink that seems to make her even more pissed off and I can’t help but like that.
“Well?” she questions Torrent as she leans up on her elbows. “Are you scared of a little pussy?”
I can’t help the growl that rips through my throat but neither of them pays me any attention. Torrent stalks forward and stands between her open legs, his obviously hard cock pressing tightly against her core. She moans and I know it’s exaggerated as she lays back down, making me purse my lips in anger. Torrent grinds into her, a rough roll of his hips, and Demon groans.
“Don’t push me.” I snarl and Torrent chuckles as he begins to cut out the lines on her stomach.
But in regular Tempest fashion, she just doesn’t know when to quit, and she moves her hand between his cock and her pussy. I watch as her hand moves, touching herself, and in turn Torrent moans at the feeling. He abandons the lines and leans back to look down at her hand.
“Fuck,” he breathes, “she’s soaked, brother.”
She is indeed. I can see the wet spot she’s left on my brother’s chinos and I begin to vibrate in anger.
“She needs reminding.” Squall mutters and I look at him sharply. “You need to remind her she’s yours and then you need to remind her that her body belongs to you. What you say goes, brother.” He licks his lips with an eager look on his face.
What I say goes. I push up and lean over her stomach, gliding my nose along a fat line. I breathe it in deep and grin when her hand stops, her eyes wide on my face.
“You want Torrent’s dick?” She doesn’t answer me and I turn to Torrent, “do you remember what she tastes like?”
“Yeah.” He smirks.
“Wait,” Tempest leans back up on her elbow. “Am I not yours now?”
“Oh you are mine and I can do with you as I please.” I look at Torrent and widen my smile, “I can share you with my brothers, if that’s what I please.”
I hear her intake of breath and then she lowers her voice, “Raiden.” It’s a warning and one I won’t be heeding. She doesn’t own me, I do not have her mark on my skin. It’s the other way around. I press my fingers to her mouth and shove her back down to the table.