I hear slow dragging footsteps coming up the hall and I know it’s Edward. The old fucking man is slow and decrepit but he’s still as sharp as a whip. There’s a single rap on the door and I open it with a huff, coming eye to milky eye with him.
“Sir, should I bring you some food while you are here?” He looks past my shoulder into the dusty room. “If I knew you would be in here, I would’ve cleaned it.”
“I do not want to bring attention to myself, Eddy.” I roll my eyes. “I will be fine here as it is.”
“Suit yourself.” He shrugs and cringes with the movement, old fucker. “Cook made seafood boil, I will save some for you.” He backs away just as a thunderclap sounds over our heads. The noise makes me jump but Eddy doesn’t move an inch.
The next second a thick bolt of lightning lights up his face and the hallway behind him from the large window, the storm raging even harder.
“Will they still be celebrating tonight?” I ask him. The sounds of drops hitting the glass are unnerving, will it break?
“Of course, sir. Tonight is leather.”
Of course, they would continue the celebration, it’s an annual tradition after all. Edward continues to stand there with his eerie milky look on me and I give him a brusque nod.
“I will be in here tonight.” I tell him as I shut the door.
“I will check on you later, sir.” He says without moving from his spot on the other side of the door.
I move to the window inside the room and pull open the heavy drapes, dust flies around my head. It’s dark outside, completely pitch black, and the rain is falling in heavy sheets. This side of the island will be flooded tomorrow and they’ll be completely unaffected as they celebrate Raiden.
I long to open the window for a bit of fresh air but I can’t, the maids will notice the drafts and come to investigate. Edward is fine knowing, he’s on my side, but the others are not and they will inform Raiden of my presence. I can’t have that.
The thunder claps again and I squeeze my eyes shut when I feel the onslaught of a memory. Wooden pew kneelers digging into my small kneecaps and unable to rest after an hour. Rain hits the church’s roof as the priest talks about Jesus and the trials he faced on the way to the cross. His voice making my stomach flip and scorching bile begins to burn its way to my mouth, only to have to swallow it back down. I can hear the bated breath of all the other children as they squirm on their knees and listen to our tormentor.
I ram my fist into my temple and force my eyes open, drawing the drapes closed with so much force, I’m sure someone has heard it. The pain from my fist radiates throughout my skull but I can handle that, I can’t handle thinking of my childhood, or lack thereof. I was lucky when I was found by the Elders and asked to join the one true following. I don’t know where I would be right now if I hadn’t.
Another loud boom of thunder shakes the house and I clench my hands to keep them from shaking. I hear the girls screaming from the other end of the house and my cock swells at the sound. I love that they’re afraid and I want nothing more than to add to that fear. They have no self control and screaming for thunder sounds so fucking juvenile, but I can understand it. The sounds still make me feel like a child when the roof over my head was thin and so were the clothes on my back. When the wind would howl through creaky windows and the man we called Father would visit us.
I clench my teeth and try to wipe the memories from my mind, I don’t want to think of that right now. I blame the storm and its fury for trying to awaken mine.
I stand in front of the mirror and stare at theoutfitI’ve been given to wear tonight. It looks more like a swimsuit and of course all my scars are out in the open. He wants to display them proudly, obviously. I’ll let him because I’m proud of them too, they show I survived him and I can’t wait to reiterate that.
“I am going to molt right out of my skin tonight,” Sky growls as she storms into my room. She has on a leather catsuit that covers her from the neck down and I cackle out a laugh before I can stop it. Hail doesn’t want anyone appreciating what he feels is his. “It’s hot as hell even with that storm still going.”
“For a man that wants nothing to do with you,” I point at her, “he doesn’t want anyone else to either.”
“Not that it matters, I don’t want a single evil soul here.” She falls onto my bed.
I’ve been staring at that bed since I walked into the room and have yet to even touch it. It looks completely unchanged since the last time I was here and it’s so fucking hard to understand, I have changed so fucking much. All the things that happened on that soft mattress have been bombarding my mind and I’m equal parts angry and turned on.
Raiden showing up in the middle of the night, soaked in blood, and ready to spill more of mine; the amount of times he broke open my skin on his blade and made me come because of it. All of those memories attack me and every time my eyes find that bed, I’m right back there.
“You look well ventilated.” She states and I roll my eyes.
“He doesn’t want to hide me,” I mutter and turn around to adjust the high ponytail on my head, “he wants to make sure everyone sees what he did to me.”
“Sick fuck.” She murmurs and I hum in agreement.
“I haven’t done this in a while,” Tiny’s voice filters into the room and both Sky and I turn to look at her, “did you say someone will die each night?”
“We don’t know.” Sky answers, “we didn’t see that last year.”
Tiny looks sexy as fuck in a leather mini and a fringed crop top. But she’s looking a bit uncomfortable and I can’t blame her, this place reeks of evil. Gorgeous, opulent evil.
“Squall picked out a nice outfit at least.” Sky huffs and I snort.