As excited as I am to once again be on Dominica soil, I am also apprehensive. I could be found and killed, disposed of without anyone ever knowing. Raiden owns most of the government there and what happens while he is in residence is overlooked while pockets are filled.
To be honest, I have always been slightly jealous of Raiden and the authority that just oozes from his pores. He’s always been the take charge sort and even when I was supposed to be the one to make the decisions, he would override them all. I can’t stand the way he operates, like life moves around him, and everything must be to his liking. I hate his bitch, too. She has the same sort of attitude and it pisses me off. She’s a fucking poor stripper with issues a mile fucking long and yet, she acts like she deserves more than what she’s put out.
Snagged herself an aging rockstar, sucked him in and corrupted his very existence. Everything was fine until she showed up and now the guys have lost their way and it’s up to me to lead them back. I have a tough road ahead of me but I’m happy it’s starting in Dominica, the place where bodies can disappear, and laws slip out the window. It’s their own fault this is happening and if I can save them in the process, I will, but I have been given kill orders if I must.
First on the agenda, the bitches need to die.
Chapter Nine
Hail looks different.
He’s quiet and he just seems a little off. His headaches have been increasing and the looks he keeps throwing at Sky are borderline murderous. It’s a bit unnerving considering I know how much he feels for her. But looking at him now, it’s hard to see that. All I see is anger and hate. Sky is giving it right back though and I don’t know if it’s a war of dominance or something else. If she tempts him to want to fuck her and kill her in the same thought then I would say I know exactly how he feels.
I glance at my demon and roll my eyes when I see her chugging back a bottle of liquor that cost a small fortune. She’ll be so intoxicated and even that much more difficult to deal with. I blame that girl Tiny, she seems to be the ringleader in the debauchery, and a sore spot for Squall. The three of them are misfits and for some unknown reason, really fit well together.
“Their voices annoy me.” Torrent mumbles and rubs at his forehead, “makes me want to cut open their throats and pull out the voice box.”
“Wow.” I murmur.
“Don’t wow me.” He retorts and shoots me a glare, “they’re fucking annoying and I want to be in Dominica with hot bitches, not all of your women.”
“Squall doesn’t want Tiny,” I point out, “you can fuck her.”
“Touch her and die.” Squall mumbles from his half sleeping spot beside us.
Torrent gestures to him then looks at me as if to sayI told you so.
“Fuck the maid,” I suggest. “You did that last time.”
“Or go into town,” Squall mumbles again.
“Last time I went into town, Raiden got mad.” Torrent snickers.
“Because you brought back over twenty people, we know you’re not fucking through twenty people.” I sneer. Torrent gives me a lazy shoulder shrug and a grin. “I’d believe you if it wasn’t guys and girls.” Again, he gives me another shoulder shrug and I roll my eyes, I know my brother would never fuck a guy.
“Who’s getting mated for life this time?” Torrent calls out, rubbing his hands together. “My money is on Hail and Sky.”
I look over my shoulder to my very own demon and she’s already staring at me. Her hand subconsciously lands on her stomach, right over the pentagram I marked into her skin in the heat of the moment, and yet, I don’t fucking regret it. The ceremony is incomplete because my skin is lacking the twin to hers but it doesn’t matter, I became hers that day as well. I break eye contact and find Hail staring at Sky. Maybe they will be next, if they don’t kill each other first.
I’m still worried I will be killed in my sleep, too. Mated or not. Tempest doesn’t understand what I carved into her skin and I don’t think she would ever give me the time of day to explain it. She’s mine now, though and she’ll be mine forever, then into the next life. I can find her now no matter where we are because her soul is wound into mine.
We hit a patch of turbulence and the plane jolts causing the girls to scream. Hail grips his head with the noise and I begin to worry about him again. His headaches are getting worse and he’s retreating more and more into his head. It’s not a good sign if he’s this triggered by noise and he’s probably coming down with another migraine. We have another hour on this plane so, hopefully he passes out before things get any noisier.
“There was this one girl we killed on this plane,” Torrent leans over the arm of his seat and grins at the girls, “she drank our expensive liquor and pissed off Hail. Then we hit a patch of turbulence and she puked, we decided her sacrifice would be best up here in thesky,next to the God she believed in.”
The girls become eerily silent and I once again roll my eyes, no such thing happened on this plane. All our killings happened on the island but obviously the girls don’t know that and they do indeed shut the fuck up. So I don’t bother to correct him and when I see Hail once again relax, I let it be. Torrent sits back in his seat and pops his ear buds in, the music so loud I can hear every lyric in the song. Squall lets loose a snore and Hail has his head resting back against the headrest, his chest moving evenly. He needs the rest.
A few minutes go by and I hear a rustling over by the girls, I look up to find Tempest standing. She wobbles down the aisle toward the washroom and I get up to follow.
“Mile high club,” the one they named Tiny whispers. She snickers but remains quiet as I follow behind a drunken Demon.
She opens the small door and walks inside, shutting it behind her. Only the door bounces off my foot and I shove inside with her.
“No,” she shakes her head, the black tresses swing around her face, “I need to pee, Raiden.”