“I think the elders have sent someone to watch Tempest.” I tell Squall.
“We knew they would eventually.” He doesn’t sound surprised.
“We should get Kenny on the call with them and see if they say anything about it.”
“Okay,” he agrees, “we’ll set it up for the morning. Watch your back.”
If for any reason the elders have sent someone to watch Tempest it also means we’re being watched and I can’t really believe that right now. I would have felt the change in correspondence and they would’ve already tried to rescue Kenny, one of their most loyal subjects. No, I think my demon is becoming more and more consumed with me and just maybe, she’s ready to face me once again. The thought of that has me hardening in my pants and I look up to her second level, knowing I can’t let myself into her place anymore without the intention of getting caught.
Soon, I will make my intentions clear and my demon will be coming with me whether she likes it or not.
He stands no more than six feet away from me as I crouch down under the stairs. His breathing is accelerated as he watches her speak his name, something akin to delight staining his features. She thinks I was him and the thought makes me furious. The way I was sitting was like him? What? I begin to vibrate and my body almost betrays my hiding spot, making me grip the wood to stay in place.
Finally, Sky talks some sense into the deranged female and leads her back to the club. She has courage, I will give her that, to follow a man into the pitch-dark night, and only clothed in a robe. She also has a brain the size of a pea because if I wanted her dead tonight, I could’ve easily done it, and no one would be the wiser as to who actually did it. But no, she’s lucky because I don’t want her dead… yet.
Raiden walks out from under the stairs and pulls out his phone. I shrink back further into the shadows as he puts the phone to his ear. He calls his brothers asking where they are, does he think they would betray him? Why would he doubt his brothers? Is there a rift in Deluge? He knows about me being sent here to watch Tempest and that puts me in a tight spot. I’ll have to up my timeline and I really hate fucking with plans once they’re set.
Raiden hangs up the phone and stands there, looking up to her second story apartment. It’s newly decked out with top-of-the-line security and a brand-new lock system; he won’t be able to get in so easily now. I can though, and I chuckle at my own smugness. There’s something I can do that the great Raiden James can’t. The leader of the amazing Deluge, the group where all the band members changed their legal names to match his. He was born and given the name Raiden James, then everything else around him was altered to suit that.
He walks back down the side of the building towards the front and I listen as his heavy footsteps recede. I know he won’t leave here tonight, not with someone else besides himself watching the stripping slut, and that only sends a thrill down my spine. I love an audience, always have.
I don’t mind sitting here and waiting, especially now that things have to change. My original plan will no longer be feasible and I need to do something tonight. Not the final act but an extra set thrown in the catalogue, something that will have everyone screaming for an encore, everyone but her.
I lean back against the brick and my back bows around a large box. I turn and look at it, running my fingers over its surface. A smile slides across my mouth at the gift that has been handed to me and it feels like my prayers have been answered. Someone down there is watching out for me and I know a guardian fallen angel is perched right on my shoulder. How else would this make sense?
I unclip the outer shell of the box, pulling away the tough PVC cover to reveal a series of switches inside. Main power to the club, main power to the second story, and main power to the exterior lights. It makes me feel all powerful, having them vulnerable, and wiping out what they spent so much on to be safe. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me and I clamp my hand over my mouth quickly.
Only another hour left before the club starts clearing the horny men out and they head home to fuck their boring wives. I can wait an hour, waiting is something I have learned to do well, and an hour is but a drop in the well of a lifetime. I lean my head back against the brick, my hand still brushing over the switches at my side, when there’s a will, there truly is a way. I can hear Sky at the front entrance, her voice trailing back here, and she’s bidding goodnight as people begin to leave. My fingers twitch with an eagerness that makes me grin.
I want to feel blood and the power that comes with a proper sacrifice, it’s been so long. I want to watch as someone takes their last breath for the god I worship and thank them for their sacrifice. Life here on Earth is nothing compared to living in luxury for all eternity. You can make your mortal life as extravagant as you want but it would never measure up to the afterlife. That’s what I’m looking forward to and to receive that, I need to sacrifice.
When I hear the last of the people leave, I wait another fifteen minutes, just in case, and then I press down on the exterior lights. Every light along the walls and the large sign in the front go out, bathing everything in black. The only light is the interior ones shining through the windows and the few dull yellow streetlamps. They won’t notice the exterior unless they step outside but I like dragging things out, letting it bleed slowly.
Next, I press down on the second story apartment’s lights. No one is up there to enjoy the fear I’m eliciting but it still feels good, nonetheless. I know the girls will begin to leave soon and when they do, they will notice the exterior lights out. I would assume strippers aren’t that sharp, not cultivating an education, and if they are it’s rare. They begin to come out and I hear a few collective gasps. Nothing sounding close to panic though and I know my assumption was right, a power outage outside is not a big deal. Maybe someone is adjusting the city’s power grid.
Another ten minutes for the girls to all be gone and then I press down on that club switch. No noise permeates out here and I quickly move from under the stairs. I head to the front of the staircase and taking two at a time, I get to their front door. New locks mean a more complicated entry, but not impossible. I pull my lock pick kit from my pocket, knowing I’m working on a narrow time frame, and the thrill of it courses through me. I love almost getting caught.
I get in just as the large metal door adjacent to the kitchen flies open and I softly close the front door behind me.
“It’s dark up here too.” Someone exclaims. It’s not Tempest or Sky.
“Temp, I told you it’s probably just a regular outage.” Sky huffs.
“Conveniently the day after we secure our place like Fort Knox, you realize we need power to make all that shit work?” She retorts.
I lock the door and move into the hallway, leading to what I know is her bedroom.
“We installed a new lock,” Sky advances into the kitchen and I flatten myself against the wall. She’s close enough that I can smell strawberries in the lotion she wears. “See? It’s still locked. No one is here. Let’s give it a few hours, if it’s not up again, we’ll call the power company.”
“Let’s have a beer.” The other female voice states and I make my way down the hallway to Tempest’s room.
Inside, it smells like vanilla and a subtle floral scent. I remember it well and the scent used to make me want to explode in violence. I fist my growing cock through my pants and chuckle, now it seems I quite like it. I begin to rifle through her drawers, finding one filled with panties, and then another filled with bras. She has a darker taste than she had before, most of her items are black. When she stripped at The Temple, she would wear soft pastel colors, but now it’s all dark, like the witch she’s trying to be.
My cock doesn’t hate it though, he likes this darker side of her, and I’m conflicted about what I want to do with her. She’ll die either way but maybe I’ll play with her a bit first. A sacrifice is a sacrifice no matter what you do to it beforehand. I pick up the perfume bottle on her dresser and hold it to my nose, moaning when my cock jerks with the scent. I slip it into my pocket and hold still when I hear heels clicking on the hardwood in the hallway. I tuck myself into her closet, pushing behind the row of clothes, and reach down into my pants. I stroke myself in time with the rapid beats of my heart, the intensity of the moment making me feel like I’m about to pass out, and when I hear her bedroom door shut, I come all over my hand.