“I love you, Sky. I’m rarely disappointed anymore because I know what human nature is capable of. I would never expect perfection from anyone.”
I hear her sniff as I rise from the table and head into my room. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep but I know I have to try. I have two sets later tonight and I can’t take any time off, especially now. I need to make a statement that I’m not affected by what happened, that my crust exterior is not cracked, and I can take anything thrown at me. I have someone watching me and I won’t let them see any weakness. Because I may be a mess, I may be morally corrupt, but I am still Tempest Skeigh Verona and I will not bow to anyone, not even the Devil himself. He owns me anyways.
I pull back the covers on my bed and crawl between the sheets, letting my head hit the pillow. The scent that flows up around my head transports me to an island described as volcanoes and myths and I can’t stop the barrage of memories that attack me. Raiden with his hand around my throat as his blade cuts my skin open, my blood running over me, and him tasting it. The way he forced himself inside me, stretching me beyond the point of pain, and licking the tears off my cheek. How he tasted my blood and assessed my whole life accurately, right down to the innermost layer I hide from everyone, including myself. Raiden stripped me bare and then he scarred me, making it apparent who I belonged to.
I breathe in the scent, cursing my memory for being so accurate, and breaking my heart for how potent my senses have made it. I will never rid myself of Raiden James and he will always reside inside of me. I bring the sheet up to my face and inhale deeply, his scent sinking into me. I feel myself grow wet and I can’t curse my memory enough. I want to get through one day where I don’t think of Raiden James and I would love to leave the memory of his scent far behind me.
I turn over and bury my face into the pillow, breathing in the smell of him and whimpering when it begins to disappear. It felt so real, like this time it wasn’t just my memory, and his scent is actually on my bedding. I wish I could say he doesn’t own me, that his grip isn’t firmly around my heart, and his existence etched into every fold of my being. He’s there and he makes even the most fucked up parts of me look innocent.
I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling. I came to the busiest place in America, the number one vacation destination, and set myself up in a spotlight. I made sure I could be found and all it would take is a fucking Google search, so where is he? Was that him the other night? Has he been here, watching me?
I run my fingers along my forehead and release an agitated breath. I’m compulsive and I base most decisions on the emotions I’m feeling, my insides dictating what is best. But now, as I lie here and think logically, I can’t help but wonder.
What the fuck would I do if those golden-green eyes found me?
Chapter Five
I read Sky’s text about Tempest almost finding me and then her threats of exposing me come next. She’s worried about her friendship with Tempest and fears she’ll lose her if I keep coming around.
“Who’s that?” Torrent sits at the table across from me.
“You’re still fucking around with those females?” he growls and slaps the table. “I thought we were here on a tip about an elder, was I fucking lied to?”
He hates to be lied to and I did indeed do that to get him here, to get myself here where my demon is. I can feel the heat of his stare and I know I’m seconds away from getting a fist to the face.
“It’s just a matter of time until the elders find her here, we might as well wait.” It’s a pathetic excuse and he knows it.
He exhales loudly and I finally chance a look at him from the corner of my eye. His face is in his hands and he moans loudly, “I get it, that connection you have…”
“There’s no connection.” I snap. It’s more than just a simple connection, it’s soul deep, and not of this world.
“There is, you put that mark on her. We all knew it was coming eventually, but brother we have work to do. You can’t lose yourself now, we need you.”
“Why would I have to lose myself?” I lean towards him, “what are you really afraid of?”
“We’ve been together from the beginning, through everything, and now I just see you slipping away. We promised Mom and Dad we’d always be together.” His voice sounds small but it resonates loud inside my chest.
“Have I reneged on that promise?”
“No, but she’ll be the one to make you do it.” He sounds so certain and that has my chest feeling heavier than usual.
“When Mom and Dad were in the hospital,” I begin, “they knew they were dying and yes I made that promise. I meant it Victor.”
“Don’t call me that,” his face flashes with anger, his deep brown eyes filling with rage.
“They told me that I was the older brother and I needed to be there for you,” I continue, “no other family could be found because they were both orphaned children. I made that promise and I will never go against it, not until I’ve taken my last breath.”
“Why are we here?” he grabs a joint from his ear and sparks it.
“I wasn’t lying when I said the elders would get to her soon enough, but I also want to be the one that finds her and reminds her.”
“Reminds her of Dominica?” He has a ghost of a smile on his face.
“Yes, exactly.” I take the offered joint and inhale.