Page 1 of Sing Me a Song



1983 – Loving Beginnings Orphanage

“Say your bedtime prayers, boys.” Sister Jane says from the doorway of our room. “Father Robert will be here shortly to bless you.”

“No!” I hear my brother whisper and begin to cry.

Father Robert is not a nice man and he’s been blessing us twice a week for three years now. His blessings don’t feel nice and he likes to pick one of us to receive it while the others watch.

I wish my parents never left me or my brother because we went from a bad place to another way worse. This feels like the Hell the sisters are always teaching us about. It’s filled with demons and the devil who watches us, then wants us to burn forever with him.

Father Robert seems more like the devil and the sisters are demons, they all feel evil. What did I do wrong? Why was I sent to Hell before I died? Is it because my parents were bad people?

The light turns out and I can hear a few of the boys begin to cry along with my baby brother. I want to help them but I’m just as weak and afraid.

We hear the footsteps thudding in the hall, coming for our room, and I listen as the boys all begin to hush. He tends to pick the one most upset.

The door creaks open, I see his outline from the hallway light, and bury my face under the covers.

“Hello, children of God.” His deep voice circles around our heads. “Who wants to be blessed?”

We all remain silent and I pray he changes his mind, or the Devil comes to take him away to burn forever.

“Victor.” My heart stops and I hear my brother’s wail. “Come see your father, child.”

I hear a struggle and then a loud slap as I imagine Father Robert’s hand connecting with my little brother’s face.

I throw back my covers and stand on my bed just in time to see Father Robert forcing Victor to slip under his robes.

“No!” I shout and Father Robert looks at me. “I want to do it tonight.”

His smile scares me and his yellow teeth stand out against his thin pink lips.

“Raiden.” He claps once. “I’m happy to see you are becoming eager for your blessings.”

He shoves Victor out and he lands on his bum on the hard floor. He whimpers and begins to crawl back to his bed. I am his big brother and Mommy made me promise to always protect him. I can’t break my promise.

“Come now.”

I get off the bed and drag my feet forward, if I do it just how he likes, it’ll be over quickly. He lifts his robes when I’m standing in front of him and I see his privates, hairy and strange. I shuffle forward and his hand lands on top of my head.

“Watch now, children.” His voice begins to sound weird. “Watch how Raiden collects his blessing.”

1993 – Enlightened Records

“We’ve saved you from the clutches of evil,” Magistra Karen tells us from behind her large desk, “now we need a few things from you.”

“Don’t you want to be famous?” Magister Camden asks.

“Yes.” The four of us answer in unison.

“Don’t you want to be rich?” Magister Markus asks.

“Yes.” We repeat.

“The elders believe you are destined for greatness and want to help you with every one of your desires. All they require is sacrifices.” Magistra Karen smiles, her teeth much like Father Robert’s.