Page 19 of Sing Me a Song

“Don’t touch my shit.” I snarl at her as she scurries by me.

“Let’s get out of here.” Sky struts in with her tits bouncing and her braids swinging. “I need this week to go by as fast as most men fuck.”

I snort and grab up my two duffle bags as she throws on a sweatsuit. I don’t mind this weeklong excursion and no matter how hard I try to deny it, I don’t mind seeing Raiden again either.

We’re dropped off at a small airport and led to a landing strip that has a large jet, its stairs descended to the asphalt. I see a few of the other girls giggling as they jog up them and a few others loitering to the side smoking cigarettes.

There seems to be about twelve of us and I can't help the excitement that courses through me. I want to go somewhere exotic because I never thought I would be able to, growing up dirt poor in a trailer will do that to you. I want to experience this even if it is at the hands of a man whose very pores sing with evil.

I'm following closely behind Sky who's muttering curses and shaking her head around. I know she doesn't want to do this and I get that her being here is completely due to her protecting her mother. We start up the stairs and I gasp as I get the first glimpse of the inside of the jet.

The seats look like the softest butter and the floor is a rich crimson red. There are red curtains over each of the small windows and the lights glow all different colors along the aisle floor. This is a luxury I have never witnessed in my life. Laying across one of the butter soft couches is Diamond.

She has a champagne flute in one hand and a bowl of grapes resting on her lap. She gives us a sly look and a smarmy grin.

"Hey girls. Come aboard." She pops a grape into her mouth.

Her voice and face drips with arrogance and it's grating on my last fucking nerve.

"I'm only going to tell you this one more time." Sky bends down into her face. "Shut the fuck up."

I snort as I follow Sky to another two-seater and watch as Diamond's face screws up into a sneer. She may be one to cause us issues, and I know I will have to keep an eye on Sky around her. Especially if Sky decides to drink, then she's even mouthier, and I can only foresee problems between them.

I look around the jet, seemingly taking in its opulence, but I’m looking for him. The man that’s old enough to be my father but will not leave my mind. There’s something that seems so youthful about him regardless of how old he looks.

I breathe out my disappointment when I notice that neither him nor his bandmates are on this jet and I still don’t have a clue where we’re going.

“If everyone will board the plane and take your seats. We can get going.” The stewardess calls out.

“Where are we even going?” Diamond's pretentious voice calls out.

“To Hell, bitch.” Sky mutters and I laugh into my hand.

“We will be going to the Caribbean island of Dominica.” The stewardess smiles wide.

Huh? I have never heard of Dominica.

“Of course.” Sky leans her head back and closes her eyes.

“What’s in Dominica?” I ask her.

“Myths and volcanoes.”

Chapter Eleven


“Embrace the chaos inside of you, for this makes you wise, and perfection can only be found through the most chaotic. Elevate above the mortal plane and its simplistic form of thought. Do whatever you need to accomplish all your desires.”

“Yes, Magus.” The four of us mutter in synchrony.

“Go and spread your seed for it is great, spill blood for it is revered, and worship only yourself for you are your own god.”

“Yes, Magus.” We repeat.

“Go and be in his darkness.”

We all rise from our crossed legged positions on four points of the pentagram and Kenny drops his hood from where he’s standing at the fifth point. His cloak is pitch black with a royal purple lining and the symbol of Baphomet on the front. Only the best for a priest of the dark one.