Page 16 of Sing Me a Song

“Punish me how?” What?

His brows raise with surprise and he barks out a dark sounding laugh.

“Something that would involve your blood running over your skin and into my mouth.”


“You think you’re a vampire or something?” I cross my arms. “Too much acid during your heyday?”

“Blood is a person’s life force.” Fuck, his voice. “You can learn a lot about them when you drink their vitality.”

“That’s fucked up.” I shake my head.

He licks his lips and bites down on the bottom one, making my thighs clench. Then he steps into me and I drop my arms from my chest just to feel him.

“Do you want to know what I learned about you, Tempest?” I want to moan when he says my name.

“Yes.” I answer on a whisper as his mouth lowers closer to mine.

“You’re sad, you have a bottomless depth to your pain, and you’re weak.” His breath fans my face and even though his words are harsh, he's right.

“Fuck you.” It comes out sounding weak. “Was it you outside my apartment last night?”

His face turns dark and he completely ignores my question. “Go back into the hall and enter the last door on the right. Sign the paperwork, Tempest, and I will help you soar past all of that.”

I want him to kiss me. He’s standing so close and his mouth is right there…

He pulls back and turns me around, “go.”

I open the door, step out, and slam it shut behind me. I hear his chuckle inside and roll my eyes, I’m in so much fucking trouble. I can feel all things nefarious when I’m near him and yet my body wants his.

I get to the door he stated and see the girls standing in a line leading to a desk. Sitting at the desk is Kenny himself and he’s handing out envelopes to each of them. Looks thick and again I try to shake some sense into my head. Why would a birthday party need all this? These guys aren’t popular anymore, TMZ wouldn’t care about them, and it doesn’t look like girls are trying to chase them down.

“Where the fuck were you?” Sky clamps her fingers into my forearm and hauls me to her side.

I shrug and look straight ahead.

“Be careful.” She hisses and snatches the envelope out of Kenny’s hand.

The look on his face is comical, he’s looking at her like she’s grown an extra head, and I can’t control the giggle that escapes.

“Ah, Tempest Skeigh Verona.” He gives me a disgusted once over. “That is an interesting name. It means storm.”

“I know that.” I huff as I grab onto the envelope. His grip stays firm and he looks into my eyes. “Don’t get too attached.”

I pull on the envelope and he lets it go with a smirk. I sit down beside Sky on the couch and pull out the contents of the envelope. There is indeed an NDA inside that clearly states anything that happens during this weeklong excursion is never repeated again. A week?! The next page is an agreement to fly on a chartered jet to an undisclosed destination of the band’s choice. What the fuck? I won’t even know where I’m going until I get there.

The energy in the room changes, like something cold but electrifying has entered, and my hair on the back of my neck stands. Raiden is here. I don’t bother to look up and instead read the next page that says I will be paid a cool thirty G’s for this gig.

I choke on my saliva and drop the papers to the floor. Sky barely lifts her head to look at me and shakes it subtly. Is this shit for real? They are paying ten girls thirty thousand to shake their asses for a week? Fucking sign me up!

I pick up the papers and stride over to the desk where Kenny and Raiden have their heads close together and speaking low.

"I need a pen." I say to Kenny, not once looking at Raiden.

"Don't you think you should read all the fine print?" Kenny has that grimy smirk on his face.

"My life has never been based on the fine print and I'm not going to start now."