Page 25 of Sing Me a Song

One week.

I can do this.

Chapter Fourteen


I made a knife with an image depicting her name. She’s the first person I’ve met outside of myself with a given name meaning storm. I was named Raiden and the other three decided they wanted names affiliated with a storm, too. And thus, the creation of Deluge.

“Everything is set up?” Squall asks. “They’re really coming here?”

“They want to be witness to our greatest sacrifices yet.” I nod.

We spent many years bending to the will of evil people, doing their bidding, and robbing innocent people of their lives. Our hands are saturated in the blood of the innocent and that weighs heavy on our conscience, no matter how dark our souls may be. Are we completely reformed? Do we repent for all those sins? Fuck no, we’re still fucked up, we still crave the sight of blood, the sight of fear on someone’s face, and we still worship ourselves.

We’re just done with being used and ready to turn the fucking tables on those that decided to fuck with Deluge.

My demon is dancing on a platform with her friend Sky and the blood red leather outfit I gave her looks fucking sinful. Her jet-black hair is bone straight down her back and her makeup is smokey, but those lips are a matching shade to the outfit.

The top is a series of straps strategically placed to cover the bits I don’t want others seeing but designed to look like she’s wearing next to nothing. The skirt is composed of the same straps but hangs loose to mid-thigh and part when she moves her hips. She made the right choice by wearing underwear because I would’ve thrown her off that balcony otherwise.

She has yet to look at me and I smirk knowing she’s pissed off. She’s a little spitfire and I can’t help but get hard at the thought of her snarky behavior. I haven’t taken her yet because I like to chase my prey and the hunt is my favorite part.

Torrent is the first to get up out of his seat and he stalks towards the girl he chose. She looks like a snobby bitch and she reminds me of another that looked similarly. I wonder if they picked her for that reason, to cause torment inside of him, and once again bending us to their will.

He stops in front of her and she turns her back to him and begins to grind her ass into his cock. He lets her do it for all of ten seconds and then he has his fingers twisted into her blonde strands, wrenching a scream from her throat.

He begins to drag her over to our table and the girls slowly stop dancing to watch what’s happening. He stops her right in front of the table and her wide eyes are staring at us with fear. I fucking love that look, it makes me feel godly. He shoves her face down against the wood top and bends over her to say something into her ear.

She nods weakly and a tear slips from one of her eyes. Squall stands, leaning over to her and swipes his thumb along the drop slowly falling across her nose. He pops it in his mouth and I watch as his eyes roll back with pleasure.

Torrent rises, keeping his fingers tightly fisted into her hair, and her face still pressed against the table. He looks around the room as he slowly undoes his belt and a few of the girls cover their mouths with their hands.

I’m sure they’ve heard the rumors about us and the debauchery we get up to, but witnessing it is a whole other story. And if after tonight they want to run, well like I said, the chase is my favorite part.

His belt falls apart and I can see the bulge at the front of his chinos, growing as he watches the girl cry. He yanks up her tiny leather skirt, rips her thong off her body, and tosses it to the center of the table.

My brothers are going to be uncontrollable tonight because they’ve been abstaining, and I start to feel sorry for this girl in front of us, the first to be used. It’s going to be rough, but if she’s smart, she’ll take it and try to find her pleasure through the pain.

Torrent has his pants and boxers down and releases her hair to roll a condom over his dick. These are strippers after all. Then he’s working his way inside her and she begins to cry, her nails clawing into the tabletop. I can only imagine she’s feeling like being ripped open as he continues to shove himself in.

Squall stands and goes around the table to get a better view, his hand running along the hard front of his pants. I don’t know how long he’ll be patient for and I lean my forearms on the table in anticipation.

Torrent finally bottoms out inside of her and she’s stiff, her cries tapering off. I reach forward and pat the top of her head, it’s demeaning but it doesn’t come close to being forced to take a monster cock in front of a crowd.

Torrent begins to pound into her, his hands gripping the globes of her ass, and his neck flexing with his efforts to hold himself together.

Not tonight, brother.

I grin when the girl's cries turn into little moans and I look over to my demon. She’s watching, her body completely still, and her eyes focused. Her friend has her arms crossed over her chest and her jaw clenched. Two completely different reactions, if I didn’t know any better, I would think Tempest is enjoying this show, and I grin when I think of how she might feel nearer to the end of it.

Torrent finishes with a loud groan and I nod my approval. He lasted longer than I thought he would and I watch as Squall drops his pants, rolling the condom over his swollen cock. Torrent pulls out and steps back as Squall takes his place between her legs.

The girl's head lifts a bit to look behind her but Torrent shoves it back down to the table. She begins to softly cry again as Squall slams into her. He’s there for one reason and one reason only, to find what he’s deprived himself of this last week and he cares not for how the girl is feeling.

The punishing rhythm he’s set is shaking the table and the girl begins to cry harder. Hail stands and leans over the table to watch her face as it projects pure pain. He looks back at me over his shoulder and grins, his teeth bright against his olive skin.

Hail isn’t even looking at Squall and his fucking, his eyes are on the girl standing beside my demon, and I know she’s his fucking weakness. By this week’s end, he’ll need to be rid of the attachment he feels for her because we can’t have normal lives.