“Yeah.” I widen my eyes and nod my head like I’m talking to a toddler. “I need you to tell him to get in contact with me.”
“He’s been a naughty boy.” I make her take down my number and to pass it along to her father. “Tell him time is of the importance.”
I turn my back on her weird face and stride to my locker. Carmelo and Cam are there, horsing around as usual, and it’s pissing me off. To be that carefree, not worrying about harassing men, and never being raped by cops, must be fucking nice.
“Move.” I snap at them and they break apart.
“Are you on your rag?” Carmelo asks.
Gotta love it.
“Maybe she’s hangry.” Cam chirps and I turn on them both.
“Can you both just fuck off? I don’t have the luxury to fuck around all the time.”
“Okay then.” Carmelo kisses my cheek. “Love you, see you later.” He heads towards the front entrance.
Cam though stays behind, staring at me, “what?” I ask him.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I exhale, “no.”
“Tell me what you need.”
“To go back in time and change my whole life.” I moan and fall against my locker.
“Why would you do that?” He asks, “you’re the strongest person I know and it’s all because of the shit you’ve had to endure.”
This is why I love my cousins, they can be boneheads, but when I need them, I don’t have far to look. I nod and try to smile, but he sees through it. He hauls me in and smothers me in a tight hug, kissing the top of my head.
“Hang in there, Ivy. God does things for a reason, don’t try to change his course, and just roll with it. You’re only given as much as you can handle.”
Don’t change my course, just roll with it, and as much as I can handle. Sounds like something straight out of a self-help book and maybe just like he’s saying, it came just when I needed it.
“Thanks, Cam.” I mumble into his chest.
“Okay, gotta get back to fucking around.” He tosses me a grin. “Call me if you need more Cam proverbs.”
He disappears out of sight and I mull over his words, do I run the course?
I miss him.
It’s been a few days and Neil hasn’t strayed far from my mind. If I keep this child and it’s his, what happens then? Will he change his mind? Will he want me again? The only thing these questions are proving is that I’m in love with Neil Jones and I’ve fucked everything up.
My phone pings and I dive across the bed, anxiously hoping it’s him.
Dean: I made a compilation video, one I think shows my cinematic talent and one that will destroy your family. Your mother’s email is the same, correct?
Me: Don’t do that.
Dean: Take a peak and let me know what you think.
I click on the link provided and nearly pass out when I see he’s made a webpage. There are photos of me in all different stages of undress and video links for people’s ‘viewing pleasure.’ It feels like each of my organs are shutting down in quick succession and I may very well be dying.
None of the photos show my face but my family will know it’s me with one look. My hair, my skin tone, and my body shape, it’s not hard to decipher.