“Charlotte had a crush on Rachel McAdams.” She huffs and I laugh.
“Who didn’t?”
She snorts and opens her phone, reading the message, and a large grin takes over her face.
“There’s a party tonight at Veronica’s and we have to go.” She stands and does a little jump.
“No thanks, I’m not going to another high school party.” I shake my head.
“Perfect.” She claps her hands, “Veronica’s sister Riley is throwing it and she goes to college.”
“Hell no!” I shake my head again, “you’re not going to a college party.”
“Neil!” She stomps her foot, “do you ever have fun?”
Her words hit me in the chest and I absorb them slowly. I do try to have fun but the truth is, I’m focused on my future, and I promised my mom I wouldn’t disappoint her, I’m all she has left. Studying is important and partying, not so much, besides, I partied enough through high school.
Maybe if Charlotte had me with her on her partying nights, shit wouldn’t have happened, and just maybe she’d still be here. I look at Amelia, her eyes large and round, and for a split second I see Charlotte, begging me to come to Dad’s with her.
“Okay, fine.” I give in. “No drinking.”
“I don’t drink!” She exclaims.
The house is indeed thumping with music and fucking large. I know this neighbourhood because the Greenes live not too far from here and I look around the line of cars to see if a M5 is visible.
I can’t deny I want to see her and I can’t deny I want to find out everything about her. I follow Amelia inside the monstrous house and cringe when I hear the loud shrill of pop music. It’s not too late into the night but some people look completely inebriated while others look tipsy at most, and I can smell the cloying scent of marijuana.
“Amelia!” I look to the sound and see the girl I remembered from the wharf party.
“Hey Veronica.” Amelia gestures to me, “this is my brother Neil.”
Veronica gives me a once over and grins at me. No way, little girl.
“Hi, Neil.” Her voice becomes husky.
“Yeah… no.” I shake my head and walk towards the kitchen. I see a couple kegs in there and a few dudes my age.
“He’s hot.” I hear Veronica say to Amelia.
Fucking Jailbait.
Am I that much older than her? No. I’ll be twenty in a few months and even though it’s just a couple of years, maturity is a big thing, and I have way more of it.
“Who’s this Dean?”
I stop at a slightly opened door and see long blonde hair swinging back and forth.
“No one, Riles.” Ivy.
“He’s constantly messaging you, who the fuck is he, Ivy?”
“Someone in New York. He’s in the past.” Ivy sounds pissed.
“Then why is he messaging you!” Riley yells.
Why are they fighting like a couple? Wait. Are they a couple? I know what I saw that night at the strip but that was just a bet, right?