"Where's your date?" Carmelo yells back. "She couldn't sneak past the parents?"
"They're having family dinner, then she's coming by." He jogs up to us.
Family dinner? Is Neil with her? Will he come by, too? The thought of seeing him again has me both excited and dreadful. I can feel myself becoming curious about us but I know he hates me and he has every fucking right to feel that way. I can barely look at him without feeling ashamed for what I've done to him and his family.
"You fuck her yet?" Carmelo asks and I groan.
"Cam," I turn on him quickly. "You can't fuck Amelia."
"I haven't!" He throws his hands up. "It's not like that, I swear."
"Ivy is the only one allowed to fuck with the Jones'." As soon as it leaves Carmelo's mouth, he looks sheepishly at me. "I meant Neil, not Charlotte."
"I didn't fuck any of them." I shrug, trying to look unaffected.
We hit the first yacht and Veronica-an old friend of mine from before I was sent away-steps forward.
"I heard you were back." She grins at me.
Veronica Hanes. Resident bad girl, all round cunt, and a bestie of mine at one time. Her and I were the resident bad girls and I was an all round cunt, still am, only I’m a loner cunt now.
“Your hearing is impeccable.” I mutter and slide past her.
“We should catch up,” she calls to my retreating back. “Amber and Tanya will want to, as well.”
There were four of us mean girls, there’s always four right? And then I tagged in Molly who the rest tolerated for me. Looks like they dumped her soon after I left though. Not that I blame them because Molly would be like that game, which one of these just doesn’t belong?
“I fucked Amber last night,” Carmelo cuts in, “she was asking me questions.”
“Oh yeah?” I grab a red cup and fill it up at the nearest keg. “Was it stuff like, does it get any bigger? Are you in yet? Did you just cum?”
“Oh fuck.” Cam snaps his fingers and laughs heartily.
“Fuck off.” Carmelo chuckles and fills his cup. “She wanted to know why you were back so late in the school year and if you had ever gone to jail.”
I should’ve gone to jail.
“Tell her Ivy broke out of jail and she’s a fugitive.” Cam snorts, “the bitch is dumb enough to believe it.”
“You shouldn’t be fucking one of them.” I chastise Carmelo. “They’ll just tell each other about your small dick and then when you try to break shit off, they’ll tell the school.”
“He fucks Veronica all the time.” Carmelo points to a gaping Cam, totally throwing him under the bus.
“Yeah?” Cam turns red, his sights landing on me. “You let Veronica’s older sister eat you out last night!”
Riley Hanes eats pussy like a fucking champ and I even got her number afterward, I wouldn’t mind repaying the favour eventually.
“Girl’s got a mouth like a Hoover, though.” I say as I take a drink.
Both guys laugh and I lose myself in time with the beat of the music, letting the warmth of the beer coat my insides.
“Thanks for coming to see us this week, Neil.” Shay smiles as she clears away the table. “How do you think you did on midterms?”
“Good.” I nod. “I studied.”
I like Shay, she keeps my dad straight, and raised my sister well.