Page 95 of Ivy's Venom

“What shit?” He questions.

“I’m going to deal with it,” I promise him. “It’ll all go away soon.”

“Ivy, that’s not enough.” He shouts. “It’s not enough this time, I need the whole truth.”

“I know.” I nod, because he really deserves at least that. “I’m going to tell you everything and about Charlotte, too.”

He’s quiet for a while and I have to check my screen to see if he’s still there.

“When?” He finally asks.

“When I get off lockdown, the end of this week.” I promise him. “And then I will tell you everything.”

“Ivy…” he begins but struggles, “did you… you know… the… did you do it?”

“Not yet.”

“Not yet? But you’re going to?” His voice becomes hard.

“I’m leaning towards no.”


“I should go. Please look after your family.” I implore.

“I will and please call me if you need me.”

I hang up the phone as I choke on my sobs. Everything feels like it’s about to fall apart, like the very ground I’m walking on is crumbling steadily behind me, and I am only inches ahead of the destruction.

I don’t think I can stay ahead of it for too much longer.

He’s outside my house, I saw his undercover vehicle sticking out like a sore thumb, and when Ivy called to warn me, it solidified my suspicions. What’s pissing me off is that she’s worried about my family and that can only mean threats were made.

Now, I could go out there and storm his fucking vehicle, but I know about cops shooting first then asking questions later. I’m sure he would somehow be validated for shooting me dead and saying I attacked him, armed or not.

We don’t have fancy surveillance here and the alarm system on this house is hit or miss. Whitsborough is quiet and shit like this just doesn’t happen, an alarm system was never a priority. But the longer I’m here, I’m starting to question just how safe Whitsborough is and if it is as quiet as it seems.

I pace back and forth at my front door, trying to decide what is the best course of action, and one that won’t alert the girls or make them worry. Amelia is upstairs in her room, music blaring, and Shay is in the kitchen on the phone with Dad. He’s coming home in two weeks and the rehab is planning a party for him.

“Neil,” Shay pokes her head out of the kitchen doorway, “your dad says hello.”

“Hey.” I nod.

She crinkles her brow in thought but retreats into the kitchen. I don’t have time to think up niceties to say to my dad, I need to figure out this situation, and then I need to know what this cop has on Ivy. He obviously has something on her, or they converse regularly, or… no.

My back hits the wall and I scrub my hand down my face, am I crazy? Her and the cop? A man that’s old enough to be her father, who actually looks older than her father, and he has a daughter her age? Is he the other man?

How do I find that out? I look at my front door and decide the only way I can find out is to talk to one of them directly. Ivy has proven to me she keeps most things to herself and refuses to divulge any details.

That leaves me only one option.

It’s cold tonight, the wind cuts into your skin like the cold edge of a blade and leaves behind a numbing sting. I walk down my narrow driveway and turn onto my street, sure enough, the pig is still there in what looks to be a green Honda Civic.

As I near his car, I see him straighten in his seat, and reach for something from the passenger side. I need to play this safe because I don’t know him and I really don’t know his situation with Ivy nor how much he knows about me.

I stop in front of his window and he rolls it down, giving me a disgusted look.

“Why are you in front of my house?” I ask him, my voice level.