Page 79 of Ivy's Venom

"Thanks for checking on me." He kisses my cheek and I nod as I step outside.

When the door shuts behind me, I find it easier to fill my lungs with air and calm myself from the panic attack I could feel coming on. I head to my car and pull out of his driveway. I feel sad for Neil but I'm hoping he can start to move on from obsessing over Charlotte and let her rest in peace.

I pull up to a stop sign and watch as a police cruiser crosses the intersection in front of me. My blood begins to pound throughout my body, the sound ringing in my ears, and my mouth dries when I see it's Adam, his eyes laser onto my face.

He raises his pointer finger as he passes and I feel like it's a bullet straight to my heart, then nausea is coursing its way up my throat. I only move when his vehicle is completely out of sight and I can't even remember how I got home, ending up back in my bed.

I'm back at square one.

I let myself have the weekend to wallow, even avoiding Carmelo and his begging to come see me. He has a fight coming up next weekend and he wants me there. After the last one, I'm not even wanting to think of a fight night, and I know what happened isn't his fault, but it's hard to separate the two right now.

It's Monday and I am back at school, I'm hit with a sudden hunger. I head to the cafe to grab something to eat because I never eat breakfast. As soon as I step in, the collective scent of different foods sends me into a bad case of nausea and bile burns its way up my throat.

I race back out and head all the way back down the hall, getting as far away as I can. I take a few cleansing breaths and try to ease the rolling of my stomach. I’m pretty sure I’m coming down with something and I don’t think I will make it through this day, on top of everything I can feel the beginnings of a fucking migraine, too.

I head to my Aunt Adri’s office and ask the secretary to call Mother, telling her I don’t feel well.

“You do look a bit green, honey.” The secretary states as she calls my mother.

After assuring Mom that I can drive home, I head outside and run into Amelia on her way in.

“Leaving?” She asks.

“I don’t feel so great, I think I’m coming down with the flu.”

I continue to walk without listening to what she says, just wanting to get home, and curl up in my bed. As soon as I’m in the car, my phone rings.


“You’re sick?”

“Neil?” I ask, sounding so stupid because obviously it’s Neil.

“Yeah, baby.” He sounds so good and I miss him so much. “Do you need anything?”

“Can you come be with me today?” I know I sound like a baby but I want someone to take care of me.

“Yeah, I’ll be by in a bit. You want some soup?”

The thought of food makes me want to gag, “no.”

“I’ll see you in a bit.” And then he hangs up.

It must be all the fucking stress I’m under lately, making me sick and fucking tired.

The doorbell rings and it takes all my energy to get off the couch and walk to the door. I open it and see Neil’s concerned face, his eyes giving me a once over. I grab his jacket and pull him in, wrapping my arms around his waist. I sink my nose onto his chest and breathe in his cologne, something musky and spicy.

He kicks the door closed and lifts me up into his arms, then kicks off his boots.

“Let’s go rest, okay?”

I wrap my arms around his neck and nod, I just want him with me. He walks us up to my room, opens the door, and sets me down carefully on my bed. He drops his jacket on the chair at my desk and crawls beside me, pulling me into his chest.

“What time do I have to sneak out of here?” He asks into my hair.

“Never.” I murmur, already falling asleep.

“You asked for it.” That’s what I think he says anyway.