“I reformed you, made you into the perfect little obedient student.” He chuckles and the sound sends waves of nausea through me. “Did I not?”
“Yes, you did.” I begin to cry. “I didn’t tell anyone.”
“I believe you.” He croons into the phone.
“You do?”
“Of course, but I need you to prove it.” He says.
“Call your uncle off, tell him I am an upstanding citizen and you flourished under my teachings. It’s not a lie exactly, is it?”
“No Dean,” I comply. “It’s not a lie.”
“I expect him to disappear by the end of next week.” He continues, “and when do I get to see my Ivy?”
I never want to see him again but I can’t tell him that because he has too much on me and if my family found out, they would disown me in an instant.
“I don’t know when I’ll be in New York again.” I whisper.
“Your mother is here often, no?”
“Yes, sir.” I whisper, my voice betraying my anxiety.
“I’m sure you will figure it all out, I bought a new red tie and I want to see if it is indeed a match for human blood. Goodnight.” He hangs up the phone.
I am stunned with the phone still to my ear and my heart pounding. How the fuck do I get out of this one?
I fucked her raw.
I’ve never fucked a female raw, I’ve always been meticulous about that shit, and I know what it’s like being raised in a broken home, I never wanted to carry on that cycle. I need to make sure she’s protected and if she’s not we need to get her the morning after pill.
I slap myself on the forehead and turn to groan into my pillow. Ivy gets me so worked up that I lose all fucking common sense. I can’t lose that, I have a future planned, and it doesn’t involve broken homes and baby mamas.
Worrying about it now will do nothing, what’s done is done, and if she doesn’t agree to a pill, then I’ll respect that. But I need her to agree to a pill because she isn’t looking for a fucking relationship. Do I want a fucking relationship? Do I want one with Ivy?
Fuck, I don’t know. I’m still hung up on Charlotte and what happened to her. It’s conflicting and confusing every emotion that is associated with Ivy Greene. Life is so fucking complicated.
“So,” Amelia smirks from across the table. “Where did you run off to last night?”
“Just went for a drive.” I shrug.
“We really appreciate you being here with us, Neil.” Shay pats my hand.
I actually want to be in Whitsborough for the first time since I was thirteen years old and it has everything to do with one fiery girl who sets my soul ablaze.
“You were out pretty late.” Amelia keeps pressing and I shoot her a look.
“Amelia, stop it. Neil is a grown man, he can come and go as he pleases.” Shay chastises her.
“I think Neil has a girlfriend.” She taunts and my chest seizes.
“Really?” Shay looks at me with a wide smile.
“Nope, your daughter has some strange ideas.” I shake my head.
“Amelia is bored, clearly.” Shay tsks as she stands from the table.