She’s standing on her porch, hopping from side to side in nothing but an oversized sweater and fluffy slippers. My cock hardens like steel and I groan. This has been the reaction I’ve been looking for all over campus and I can only find it in the girl I should despise.
I get out of the car uncaring if I’m wearing track pants and still uncaring if she can see her effect on me. I’m so fucking tired of fighting this. I run up to the porch and stand in front of her, then slowly walk her backwards inside. My body touching hers.
“It’s good to know the cold doesn’t have that same shrinkage effect on you.” She mutters and I snort.
“Everyone asleep?” I look around the darkened foyer as she steps away to shut the door.
“Only Saxon and I are home. Everyone else went to New York for the weekend.”
“You didn’t want to go back and see your friends?” I ask her.
“I haven’t had a single friend since Charlotte, Neil.” She sounds just as tired about this as I do.
“Why not?” I ask as she leads us into the kitchen.
“Because I never ever wanted to be in that position again.” She opens the fridge and throws me a can of beer, then opens one for herself.
“What about this Dean?” I grin at her over my can.
“Not a friend.” She’s quick to answer, her face falling. Definitely not.
We drink in silence for a few minutes and I can see her staring at me from my peripheral.
“What?” I finally give in.
“Why are you here?”
Good question.
“I was driving home to see Amelia for the weekend.” I begin, running my finger over the sweat on the beer can. “The house was dark and I dunno, I ended up here.”
“Oh.” She takes a sip. “I see.”
“Do you?” I ask her, standing from my seat.
She swallows, her throat working hard, and the vein there pulses rapidly. I reach down, wrapping my hands around her waist and plopping her up on the table. I wedge myself between her legs and brush her hair off her face.
“Well?” I ask, rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip. “Do you?”
She moans quietly, breathy, and soft. Her eyes wide and staring into mine, those lips slightly open. I bend slightly, my hands dropping to the table on either side of her and bump her nose with mine.
“What do you see, Ivy?”
“I see you here… with me.” She answers her voice husky, the sound shooting straight to my cock.
I swoop in and claim her mouth with my own. My hand snares into her hair and I angle her head to get better access. I swipe my tongue along the seam of her lips and she opens on a moan. I only got a taste last time and I couldn’t forget it, I am truly fucked now because I’m drowning in her.
Her tongue tangles with mine and I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her in against me. She wraps her legs around me and rubs herself onto my cock.
I pull back from her mouth and yank the sweater up over her head, groaning when I see she’s just in a pair of boy cut shorts.
“Are you fucking serious?” I whisper, leaning forward and taking one of her dusty rose nipples into my mouth.
I pinch the other and find a bar through it. I release her nipple with a pop and pull the pierced one into my mouth. I tug on it with my teeth and she moans loudly.
“Tell me Saxon is a heavy sleeper because I’m about to have you screaming.” I tell her, hoping my words are true and my dick doesn’t fail me. I’m about to cum as it is.
“Even if he hears it, he won’t give a shit.” She rasps.