Page 34 of Ivy's Venom

When Dad said everyone, I didn’t think he meant the Jones family, too. I do not want to be in the same room with Charlotte’s father, the guilt will literally burn me alive, Amelia, who I know has a crush on me and I made out with her a few days ago, and Neil, who just fucking hates me.

My uncles and aunt are here too with their twins and young son. The twins are a bit freaky with how similar they look to Mother and Uncle Emmett. Nana Sharla is also here in the kitchen, trying her best to teach Aunt Adri how to make pudding. I’m not eating it.

“Honey, I’m home!” I hear Uncle Tommy boom from the front door and sigh with relief, Cameron is here.

I rush to the front to get away from the Jones’ and greet them.

“Hi Uncle Tommy, Hi Aunt Amy.” I hug them both.

“Hey Ivy.” Uncle Tommy pulls me in for a hug.

He’s Mother’s closest friend from childhood and almost like her real brother.

Aunt Amy kisses my head and they both head into the kitchen. Aunt Amy is Carmelo’s step-father’s sister. That’s why Cameron and Carmelo are pretty much cousins. Sounds a bit like Alabama in this house, huh?

“Please tell me you spoke to Carmelo.” I grab Cameron’s arm. “He’s not answering my texts.”

“His phone was confiscated until after the New Year and he’s not allowed out of his parent’s sight.” He chuckles.

Right, the last fight. They try to do this to him every few months but Carmelo is almost eighteen now, there’s not much more they can do. If he wants to fight, he’s going to do it.

“You look frantic.” Cam smirks. “Is it because the Jones family is here?”

“You knew?” I look at him like the traitor he is.

“I talk to Amelia.” He laughs and drags me in for a hug. “Besides, this is a good opportunity to win them over with that charm.”

“Cam, what fucking charm?” I hiss at him as he leads us to the family room.

He stops and looks down at me, “Ivy, you are one of the most fascinating people I know. Stop letting Neil Jones take that away. Be yourself.”

His words stun me enough that he drags me back into the den of vipers without much of a fight. It’s hard to charm someone who’s been terribly damaged and repair seems impossible. Especially, if you are the one that caused the damage in the first place.

About an hour later, and an hour of listening to Amelia and Cam being the only two talking, I hear the front door open. I know it’s Carmelo and his family, and I need to get away from Neil’s stare. If looks could fucking kill, I’d be a decaying corpse by now. It doesn’t fucking help that Amelia keeps shooting me looks like she wants to jump me, I bet that’s sitting just right with Neil.

I skid into the foyer and visibly relax when I see Carmelo’s bruised face. His mother Marlana sees me and smiles, opening her arms for a hug. They feel more like my family than my own. I rush into her arms and whimper when she crushes me tighter.

“Sorry I haven’t been by since I’ve been back.” I tell her.

“It’s okay, Ivy. But don’t make it a habit.” Carmelo’s step-father Charles says as he pats my head.

I pull out of Marlana’s arms and turn to give Carmelo’s younger sister Sabrina a hug. I see her around school sometimes but she’s in the younger grades and our schedules never mesh.

“You look so pretty.” I tell her as I scoop up her pink hair.

“Mom helped me.” She grins.

“Whoa!” Uncle Emmett exclaims behind me. “That hair is going to be triggering.” He points at Sabrina’s head.

Charles and Marlana laugh, and I roll my eyes exaggeratedly at Sabrina. Uncle Emmett lacks tact and I can see the worried look in her eyes.

“It looks really good.” I tell her as I run my fingers through the pink strands.

I lead them into the kitchen and stare wide eyed when my mother bursts out laughing at Sabrina’s hair. She pulls her in to soften the blow but that shit was rude.

“Sorry, Hun.” Mother says, “but did your mom tell you she had this exact hair when I met her?”

“No.” Sabrina shakes her head.