Page 24 of Ivy's Venom

I pull my fingers out of her and lick her come off of them. Running my tongue salaciously between each one, she tastes like the heaven she looks like she came from.

“I want to taste you again, Ivy.” She sits up and practically pushes me out of the car.

She stands up, her bare feet on the cold pavement, and her body erupts in goosebumps.

“You need to put clothes on.” I tell her.

I pull off my sweater and hand it to her, she pulls it on and reaches out to grab a hold of my breast through my tank top. I’m so fucking happy I didn’t wear a bra. She pinches my nipple between her fingers and I bite into my lip, trying not to grab her throat.

“I want your pants off, Ivy.” She says and I feel myself soaking through them.

I drop my pants right then and there, in the middle of the fucking strip, and in the freezing cold. But I can’t feel the sting of the cold as much as the heat building between my legs.

I crawl into my back seat and feel the clap of a slap landing across my ass cheek. I look over my shoulder and see Riley staring at my ass, her bottom lip crushed between her teeth. I flip onto my back and spread my legs open wide.

“Hurry up.” I snarl and her eyes widen, “or else I’m going to punish you.”

She rushes forward and I watch as her blonde head disappears between my legs. When I feel the first swipe of her tongue, I lay back and exhale, this is exactly what I needed.

It’s been almost two months since I was in Whitsborough and I am on my way back there again. This Christmas is Dad’s turn and even though I offered to stay home, my mom would hear none of it. I know it’s a hard time for her and faking happiness is fucking draining, I get it. I know she would rather wallow in her pain and think of her daughter, not cooking and singing carols around the house.

I’ve spoken to Amelia over the phone at least once a week but I have yet to ask her what she’s found out for me about Ivy. I wish I could say I haven't been thinking about her, that her tortured face hasn’t been popping into my head constantly, and that thinking about her no longer comes with murderous thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong, I still fucking hate her, and I want her to pay for what she’s done, but I also want to unearth all her secrets. Maybe there are a few I could use to make her disappear back to New York and far away from what’s left of my family.

I pull into my dad’s driveway and kill the engine. It snowed a lot the last few days and everything is coated with a thick layer of the white shit. I hate snow, I hate the cold, and I hate Whitsborough. I get out and groan when the snow comes up above my boots, the cold, wet powder slipping inside.

Just as I turn around, I am blasted in the face with a ball of the shit.

“What the fuck?” I exclaim.

“Welcome back, big brother.” Amelia calls out as I clear the snow out of my eyes.

“You’re done.” I grin and chase after her.

She screams and tries to run back to the front door, only to slip and fall on her ass. I begin to howl with laughter and slip right beside her, landing on my back. Both of us are laughing so hard and when she sits up, I grab a handful of the stuff, slipping it inside of her sweater.

“Neil!” She squeals and stands to shake out the snow, only to slip back down again.

“You two are going to catch a cold out here.” Shay calls out from the door, a wide smile on her face. “How was the drive, Neil?”

Amelia and I get up, dusting off our asses, and carefully tread it back to the house.

“The drive wasn’t too bad.”

“Come on in and get some cocoa.” She says and steps aside for us.

Thank god for Shay, otherwise I would have my father’s blood on my hands, and only my mother left as family. She somehow puts up with him and for that alone I am grateful. Then she gave us Amelia and I grew to love her for it.

“Son!” My father’s booming voice calls from the TV room. “Get in here.”

Shay looks behind her shoulder towards his voice and then back to me with a small smile.

“He’s missed you.” Her voice is soft.

“Yeah.” I nod.

“I’ll make cocoa,” Amelia heads to the kitchen, “you say hi to Dad.”