Page 21 of Ivy's Venom

“E should pick up Ma.” Uncle Travis says and Dad laughs.

Uncle Travis calls Nana Sharla Ma even though she’s not because his mother died in a terrible accident when he was in high school. Nana Sharla took him in after that. My family is all twisted and somehow interconnected, I still haven’t figured it all out. I don’t think I ever will.

“What do we owe the visit, assholes?” Mother says as she walks in the kitchen.

“Mommy said a bad word.” Dahlia chastises and points to the swear jar by the fridge.

Mother is the only one that ends up filling it and I can’t help the grin that comes over my face at her dismay.

“Shit.” She whispers.

“Heard that one, too.” Dahlia whispers back and I can’t help the laugh that escapes my belly.

Mother looks at me with surprise at first but it quickly morphs into amusement.

“I’m never going to learn.” She sighs. “How much do I owe the bank of Dahlia this time?”

“Five dollars.” Dahlia rubs her hands together.

“Five dollars?!” Mother exclaims.

“And Daddy wants you to pick up Nana Sharla from the airport.” Dahlia throws in and I am once again laughing at the look on my mother’s face.

“Like Hell.” She says and Dahlia is wiggling in her seat.

“Mommy has a potty mouth, but it makes me rich.”

Everyone laughs and Uncle Emmett begins to stack up the pancakes.

“Ivy, how does it feel to be back?” Uncle Travis asks.

That’s what I love about my family, they don’t judge, and even though I came home under undesirable circumstances, they would never rub it in my face.

“Not hanging out with teachers I hope.” Uncle Emmett chimes in.

Nevermind, I take it back, they will totally rub it in my face.

“That teacher is lucky he was just fired.” Mother snarls. “I had bigger plans.”

“I can’t believe he’s still breathing.” Uncle Emmett snorts.

“The verdict is still out, he took advantage of a minor.” My mother says.

“I’ll be eighteen in like six months, Mother.” I shake my head.

“What did Ivy do?” Dahlia asks, her eyes wide with innocence.

“Ivy decided to grow up too fast.” Dad shoots me a look and I roll my eyes.

“I’m glad.” Dahlia nods as syrup runs down her chin. “I wanted her home.”

I feel a lump work its way up my throat at her words and my eyes fill quickly before I can hold them back, the tears spilling down over my cheeks. I’ve always felt like the outsider in my own family, the one being watched, and always causing stress. So, to hear one of them say I’m wanted brings out emotions I’ve tried to bury.

“I need to go get some homework done.” I turn quickly before anyone can see the tears.

“Pancakes!” Uncle Emmett calls out but I’m already halfway to the stairs.

“Ivy,” Charlotte breaks the silence, “do you ever want to get married?”