Page 107 of Ivy's Venom

He crushes his lips to mine and I moan, the opening giving him the chance to devour me. His tongue swipes against mine and I writhe underneath him, trying to press myself to him.

He pulls back abruptly and rests his forehead to mine, “not yet, baby.”

“When?” I am really fucking frustrated.

“I know.” Is all he says. “I should get home though.”

“Yeah.” I groan and hit him with a pillow.

“I love you.” He kisses me softly.

“I love you, too.” I reply.

He stands from the bed and I watch him like he’s my last fucking meal. I may be horny and all but my man is fucking fine. I get up from the bed and only wince a little when I bend to stand. Soon, I will be back to normal.

I walk Neil to the front door and swoon when he cups my face, kissing me softly.

“Goodnight,” he whispers, “I’ll text you in the morning.”


After I watch him walk to his car and drive down my driveway out of sight, I finally close the door. The house is quiet, Saxon and Dahlia are asleep, and Mom and Dad are watching TV in their room.

I decide an early night and a good sleep is just what I need as I head back to my room. I plop on my bed and roll myself up like a burrito in my blanket.

“Get up, kid.” I’m startled awake by my jacket hitting my face, “we’re going for a ride.” Mom is standing in the doorway of my room and I look at my phone for the time.

“Mom,” I whine, “it’s four in the morning.”

“You can sleep in the car, let’s go.” Her voice brokers no room for argument.

I get up out of bed and begin to follow her into the hallway.

“No, Ivy.” She looks me up and down, “go back and dress in black.”

What the fuck?


“Just do it, Ivy. For fucksakes, listen just this once.” Fucking bossy.

With a huff, I turn around and head back to my room. I find a black pair of leggings and a baggy black hoodie. When I come back out, I throw my arms up, and twirl on the spot.

“Perfect,” she nods and leads us down the stairs.

“Black boots.” She says and I give her a salute.

She sounds like a drill sergeant right now and I don’t know where the hell we’re going. I once again follow her out the door and into our black Mercedes. I call this our celebrity car because it’s all blacked out.

“Where are we going?” I yawn and slouch down in my seat.

“Just sleep, I’ll wake you up when I get there.”

She’s in a fucking mood so I don’t bother to argue with her. Instead, I do what she says and I fall asleep.

“Did you ever wonder what really happened with Mr. O’Connor?” Mom’s voice wakes me up from my sleep.

The sun is bright and I groan as my sensitive eyes are attacked by the sudden light.