Page 8 of Spark of Madness

“I have an impulse to fight,” Hyatt hisses in a way that would be intimidating to me…

But it isn’t intimidating to the man in front of him. He takes a step forward, forcing Hyatt to move back. “Then go find your servant and fight.”

Hyatt places his hands on the man’s chest and shoves. “Maybe I’ll fight you.”

He takes a step back to catch himself but pushes forward again, shoving into Hyatt’s space, coming in chest to chest. “Back off, Price. I’m warning you.”

Hyatt throws his fist, but the other man catches it in his palm as itsmacks. I stifle a gasp as he twists Hyatt’s arm, spinning him to face away before kicking the back of his knee, causing him to buckle. When Hyatt drops to kneel, he wraps his arm around Hyatt’s neck, squeezing him into a chokehold.

The man is strong, holding him with one arm, the torch still held out in the other while Hyatt claws at his forearm, trying to pull his grip away. Hyatt struggles against his hold, but the man’s hold remains tight, keeps him still, squeezing and squeezing until suddenly, Hyatt collapses. His arms drop away and his body slumps, and when the other man lets him go, Hyatt falls sideways to the ground, unconscious.

He choked Hyatt until he passedout.

I watch with wide eyes, afraid yet curious for what will happen next. The man holds the torch over Hyatt’s still form, watching him for a few beats, as though he’s making sure he’s really down.

Then, with a snap, he turns his head in my direction, chin tilted, eyes landing on mine as if he’s always known how to find them in the dark.

He takes a step closer, gaze locked on mine as the fire crackles, and a curious expression spreads across his cheeks. “I believe it’s now your move, Mercy Madness.”

Arlo Rainn.

My heart drops to my stomach as I realize who stands before me. He’s one of the Control. He’s witnessed the extent of my failures as a servant.




I’m a sinner…and he’s going to send me straight to hell.

chapter four


THERE ARE SEVERALwords that could describe how I’m feeling about this situation—interested, fascinated, and curious all come to mind. Yet none of them quite capture the pleasure that comes from the anticipation of her next move.

I didn’t have a plan when I ran after Hyatt chasing Mercy into the forest, and I don’t have one now. I could walk away if I wanted, let her do what she will, knowing that she’ll face punishment for her insolence once the sun rises. I could pull her down from the tree and use her to serve my needs—finally satiate the sexual desire rushing through my veins from the thrill of the chase.

Instead, I take a step closer, then I stop and wait.

I watch as she slowly pushes herself up to a sitting position on the branch, the shadow of her form gradually moving where she straddles the limb. Her hands remain in front of her, pressed to the branch between her legs, gripping it with fear.

She should be frightened.

“It appears you have two choices.” I casually take another step toward the tree. Her bright blonde hair gleams behind the firelight as I move the torch in front of me to cast her in the light. “You can stay where you are, and hope that I have no interest in you. You can pray that I’ll walk away so you can remain here in hiding for the rest of the night—regardless of the fact that you’ve already crossed the line so severely that you’ll never recover from the punishment you’ll receive. That is a choice you could make…though, you should also consider that perhaps I’m just as lust-blind as Hyatt.” I creep closer, inch by inch. “Perhaps I’ll set the tree on fire. Perhaps I’ll rip you from it and burn your flesh just to hear you scream.”

Her shoulders straighten and her face hardens. “You won’t.”

My eyebrows lift in surprise. I’m surprised she spoke, because for some reason, I expected her to be meek and fearful. After all, she ran from her duty when she should’ve been kneeling, grateful to serve, regardless of the pain inflicted.

“Your other choice is to run,” I finish. “Come down from your perch, little sparrow. I’ll even let you have a head start.” I take a step back, sweeping my arm out to the side as if welcoming her down to the forest floor.

I let silence settle between us, though I can sense it’s unsettling for her. A grin twists at one corner of my lips as I wait, savoring the festering quiet which precedes her response.

I’m not sure what I expect her to do.

I’m not sure what I hope she’ll do.