I resign myself to silence to please him, though I tell myself I’m doing it for me.
I feel him move behind me, his hands dragging down the insides of my thighs. Moments later, I feel his breath brush over the skin between my legs as he speaks.
“As much as I want to lose myself in you,” fingers brush softly down my slick center, giving me a jolt of pleasure which forces a moan, “as much as I want to lose myself in this perfect pussy…Fuck.” His warm, wet tongue touches me quickly, licking me cleanly from end to end. “I have to control myself to prepare you for this trial.” Two fingers spear me, and I cry out as he sinks them deep inside. “Sweet sin. From this day until your last, Mercy Madness, you come for no man but me. Youonlycome for me, starlight…and only when I tell you to.”
This is something I prayed for but never imagined could be real. It feels precious to be claimed by one man and one man alone, to be consumed by him, pleasured by him…someday loved by him.
Not shared by him.
But I will be shared.
Arlo’s fingers twist inside me, as if he turns the dial on my loud thoughts and forces them to silence.
There is no tomorrow.
There is no thinking about what will come in the trial.
There is only the touch of this man as he claims me as his.
Stroking, his fingers curl, rubbing with perfect pressure against some spot inside me that feels heavy as it aches and throbs. It’s a spot that seems to condense every pound of my weight to that single spot. It’s like I can feel his touch over every inch of my body as his fingers stroke and thump in that perfect place inside me.
My ears are filled with the echoes of my wetness as his fingers move, the creaking of the ropes as my body sways, and the reverberating echo of it all in the empty cavern.
My head drops all the way down, my hair dangling toward the ground beneath me. When his thumb curls around to rub my clit, my head snaps up again with a jolt. I have to bite down on my lip to stifle my cry, because more than anything, I want to scream out his name and beg for more.
But he said I’m not to speak, and I want to obey.
“That’s it, Mercy. That’s what I want from you.” His voice is heavy, hot, and panting. “Get close for me, come right to the edge for me.”
His fingers are expert with the way they work me, inside and out, two fingers rhythmic against my inner walls, and his thumb circling, rubbing just right. His other hand is wrapped around my thigh, holding me steady, and his warm lips trail kisses along the inside of my leg.
I feel it coming; I feel it burning and building. I’m throbbing with each stroke, aching with heat and need. My body is tense and tight and begging for release.
I want it.
I need it.
He’s going to take it from me.
I pant and whimper as his stroking takes me higher and brings me closer to the edge. And just as it swells, clenching through my belly, just as my breath changes and my body stills with the anticipation of onrushing release, he takes it all away.
He pulls his hand back, his touch leaving me entirely.
I’m dangling on the edge and leaning, but instead of letting me go…he pulls me back.
chapter twenty-seven
“NO…” SHE WHIMPERS,her head dropping forward with the disappointment of lost release.
Sitting back on my heels from where I kneel behind her, I bring my fingers to my nose and inhale.
Sweet fucking sin, this woman smellsdivine.
I dip my fingers inside my mouth, pressing them down on my tongue and dragging them out slowly.
It’s exactly what I would imagine a fallen angel to taste like. Something so sweet it could only be forged in paradise, but so sinful it must have been cast out. Whatever kind of demon she is, she’s mine, and I’ve never wanted anything more than this.