She is service in the flesh, a feast for the eyes, though her passion is severely lacking. It’s the reason my brothers find her less appealing than she should be. It’s also the reason the Control has been watching her. Her history is riddled with small rebellions which, kept unchecked, could lead her to revolt.
I gaze upon her curiously as she tucks her breasts back inside her corset. She hesitates, gathering herself, as if she isn’t enthusiastic to find another to serve.
What is she doing?
A shriek breaks through the night like a lightning strike, so thunderous and bright it can’t be ignored. The chaos is drawn to the fire, and soon I see why—Hyatt Price holding a torch and Ivy Jane awash in flames.
I’m mesmerized by the walking fire for a moment, the movement of the orange and yellow glow as it burns her skirt to ashes, licking at the ends of her long, black hair. There’s a stagnant pause as silence surrounds us, allowing the sounds of her horrified screams to echo through the trees as she chokes on her own voice.
I say a brief prayer in honor of this sacrificial servant,“Malo mori quam foedari.”
Death before dishonor.
It’s quite a glorious end for a servant so willing as Ivy Jane. I can’t imagine she’ll survive this.
I could put her out.
It’s an odd voice inside me that thinks such a thing, and I don’t understand it. Though I suppose I didn’t always understand my natural impulses, either. I had to be taught to sink inside every dark thought in my mind and push myself to indulge each of them without prejudice in these nights of purging.
I was taught to indulge any impulse that begged from deep within me…so perhaps I should indulge this strange impulse to put her out all the same.
I set my mug on the ground and retrieve my black overcoat. Then my feet carry me in Ivy’s direction, intent on covering her to smother the flames. As I walk toward her, I see Hyatt move around her, staring at the spot where I saw Mercy standing. I turn to look and see if she’s there, though I’m not sure why I bother.
Sheisthere…but she takes a step back.
Oh, don’t you dare.
Don’t you fucking dare, Mercy Madness.
Don’t retreat.
She turns, and sheruns.
Hyatt sprints, zipping with his torch alight, the heat of the flames brushing over my skin as he streaks past me.
Two servants have now retreated—Delle and Mercy. They’ve run from their purpose and have fled into the forest.
This won’t be tolerated.
They’ll face punishment for this.
I drop my coat and chase after them.
chapter three
MY CONSCIENCE NAGSas my lungs burn, fear running blazing heat through my veins. I glance back as I run—I’m not supposed to run—and the only thing that’s visible is the orange glow from Hyatt’s torchlight. He’ll burn down the whole damn forest just to light me on fire.
I don’t know exactly where I am in the darkness, but I’m comfortable among the trees. I’m familiar with the feel of twigs cracking beneath my boots, and the meager piling of leaves just beginning to fall, crunching with each step. I often travel through the forest to get to the open fields of wildflowers beneath the mountains that surround Ember Glen. So while I can’t see my hand in front of my face, I don’t fear the dark; I don’t fear colliding with the trees blocking my path.
“I’m going to bathe you in flames, Mercy Madness!” Hyatt shouts, his voice is faraway, but echoes through the trees.
My heart slams against my ribcage, pulse thrumming with the insistent need to get away.
Get away,get away, get away.
Tears burn behind my eyes as I pump my legs harder, faster. There’s going to be hell to pay for doing this, for running away, but I think—Ihope—the punishment can be no worse than being set on fire.