Page 87 of Spark of Madness

“All of us have looked at her with longing; she’s an attractive woman. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make.”

“Don’t let the sinner poison your mind, brother. We’re concerned for you. There’s a darkness inside her, and if you’re not careful, she may bewitch you into sinning right along with her.”

Too late to save me now, brother.

“I’m well aware of what she is, Killian. I have my method of relieving temptation when it’s present.” I lift my hand, showing him my leather glove as a reminder of my own manner of self-control.

“Right,” he says. “But is a single burn upon your hand enough to remove the temptation of her from your mind?”


“Yes. Is there a point to this conversation? I have other matters I need to tend to. I’d like to check in on Delle.”

“I’m sure Theo has his newly appointed ward well cared for.”

“I’m sure he does,” I cock my head, “yet, somehow, I still find myself concerned for her well-being as a member of this community, and so I’d like to check in. Are we done?”

His stare lingers for a beat, his grin contorting into an accusatory grimace before he takes a step back. “Yes, of course. By all means, go and check in on Delle.”

I side-step and move past him until I’ve reached Delle’s door just a few steps away. He moves with me and pauses at my back.

“Just remember we’re here for you, brother.”

I turn my head over my shoulder and grant him a tight smile before he turns and walks back the way he came. Once he’s passed a couple of doors, I lift my fist and knock softly, quietly, wondering if Delle is asleep and not wanting to disturb her if she is.

But quickly, the door swings open.

It isn’t Delle standing behind’s Theo.

He holds a finger to his lips, indicating I should be quiet. “She’s sleeping,” he whispers, then waves, beckoning me to enter quietly.

I follow him into her spacious room and glance across at the regal bed. Sure enough, Delle is tucked in, sleeping soundly, peacefully. The room feels somber and tranquil—a welcome reprieve to the tension I feel every moment I’m with Mercy.

Theo moves to one of the two armchairs along the wall across from her bed. I move to sit beside him, in the chair angled toward his.

“How is she?” I whisper.

“She’s fine. I don’t think she’s ill. I think it’s the stress of the upcoming trial that makes her feel unwell.”

I nod. Laying my arms on the armrests, my fingers curl around the edge.

“And Mercy?” he asks after a few silent beats. “Is she okay?”

“I don’t know whether she would use the word, ‘okay,’ but she’s settled for the night.”

“Did you take her to the caves?”


I feel his eyes on me, heavy and warning. “Do you think that was a good idea?”

I turn my head to look at him squarely, casually lifting my ankle to cross over my knee. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

The lies are coming again, and it twists my stomach.

“I’m just concerned about how it looks when you’re alone with her.”

“And aren’t you concerned about how it looks when you’re alone withher?” I incline my head to indicate Delle, sleeping in her bed.