She’s crying because of me...because I hurt her.
I used her, and there is no full moon tonight.
If everything I’ve done with her before has toed the thin line that stands between my power and my duty, then this moment has been the hand on my back shoving me across it.
I drag myself out of her slowly, giving far more care than I did in fucking her. My grip on the ropes loosens gradually, and I pull my thumb from her with the gentleness I should’ve given her on the way in.
I stumble backward, then bend to lift my pants, working quickly to put myself back together. Her body slowly turns in my direction, as if spun by an unseen force that insists I come face to face with the pain I’ve caused. Her head hangs, short strands of hair dangling around her cheeks as her chest heaves with her panting.
I take a step back, then another, my spine hitting the solid wall of rock behind me as I watch her on bated breath.
And then she speaks, her voice sure and clear, but shaken with fear, and perhaps, disappointment. “Thank you.” There’s a long pause after those two words that stab me like a knife. “I feel very well prepared for what your brothers will do to me.”
chapter twenty-eight
I CLOSE MERCY’Sbedroom door behind me as I leave her. I brought her back from the cave, cleaned her up, and tucked her into bed. She let me, and I don’t imagine a day will ever come that I’ll understand why.
She didn’t say a word to me after I defiled her, after I used her in a way a woman should only ever be used in service under the full moon. The only thing that feels worse than her silence is knowing she’ll keep my sin a secret for me. I wish I had doubt about that, but it’s something I can feel. She’s a woman of her word, and whether her word is sinful or saintly, I know she’ll hold true to it.
“Where have you been?” I’m startled by Killian’s voice as he comes down the hallway. “Theo said you were working with Mercy.” His hands are lifted behind his head, retying his long hair into a knot.
“I was.” I turn and walk toward him, meeting him after a few steps.
“But Delle’s in bed. He said she wasn’t feeling well.”
“Right. And that’s why she and Theo weren’t with us.”
Killian’s eyes narrow as his hands fall to his sides. He tilts his head to regard me with suspicion. “So, you were alone with Mercy, then? Where?”
A tight grin flattens my lips. “Is there a problem? Mercy is my ward. It’s my job to take care of her between the trials.”
He looks down with a huff of amusement, then steps closer. An accusatory smile spreads across his cheeks as he lifts his head to look at me. “How exactly have you been...taking care of her?”
I know exactly what he’s accusing, but I play dumb. “I’m not sure what you’re asking. I’ve been taking care of her in the traditional sense. You know, feedings, cleanings, meeting basic needs. The pets need fresh air and exercise on occasion, too, so I took her for a walk.”
I’m lying openly, but worse than that, I hear myself as I speak of Mercy as if she were a dog. Speaking of her that way feels like a sin greater than tying her up and fucking her.
Killian’s expression turns serious. “Where did you walk?”
“Through the forest.”
“Really? So Wesley didn’t see the two of you coming out of the courtroom? What were you doing in there?”
Caught in my lie.
“Intimidation,” I rush to cover myself. “She was being unruly, so I brought her there to remind her of her place.”
He presses his lips together and nods slowly, his eyes narrowing to slits as he considers my words. “I see.” He reaches out to clap me on the shoulder, hand gripping in a friendly gesture. “You should be cautious in the time you spend with her. The brothers are starting to speak of you.”
“In what manner?”
“Ryker says you look at her with longing.”
“And?” I shrug, causing him to drop his hand from my shoulder.
“I’ve noticed it, too.”