Page 17 of Spark of Madness

Wesley rubs his dark palms together. “It’s not like we can manage every ill-formed thought that flits through the servants’ minds.”

At that, I find myself wondering what ill-formed thought is flitting through Mercy’s mind right now. I wonder whether she’ll think of the way I made her come on my fingers when she lays her head to rest at Sanctuary tonight. The idea of it makes my cock twitch.

Sweet sin.

I should’ve fucked her last night while I had the chance.

“Something has to be done about Mercy Madness. The new servants are impressionable,” Killian says, “and this sets a poor example for them.”

“Then something should also be done about Delle Carter because she ran, too,” Ryker adds.

“I think Delle could be afforded some leniency,” Theo says, crossing his arms. “It was her first night.”

“It’s no excuse, whether it’s the first or the fiftieth. How many first-timers have behaved that way?” Killian asks.

“None come to my mind in recent memory,” I reply.

“Exactly.” Killian points to me. “They know their place before their first service.”

“I don’t think Delle presents a concern,” Park offers, tossing his head as a strand of black hair falls across his tawny skin. “I’m sure she’s learned her place after last night.” He looks to Theo. “You went after her. What happened once she was caught?”

“She was effectively put in her place,” Theo confirms. “I don’t think she’ll be an issue again.”

“It’s Mercy who poses the threat,” Killian says. “The pattern of defiance she’s developed; the fact that she ran and hid last night…How long has she been in service? How old is she now, twenty? Four years of monthly service. Her actions last night were blasphemous. She’s a sinner, and we have to make an example of her.”

The men nod in agreement, as do I.

Sheisa sinner.

And yet…there’s an odd prickling at the back of my mind that makes me feel uneasy. I can’t place the feeling or why it’s there. Perhaps it’s my weakened state since I didn’t effectively purge last night.

Yes, that must be it.

My impulses are clouding my mind, and I need to be careful about my thoughts and decisions until I can satisfy my impulses at the next service. My brothers in God are right; Mercy is a sinner, a bad example for the younger servants, and she must be made an example of.

She must be punished.

I let out a heavy sigh, forcing my breath to blow away that useless feeling of unease. “Then it’s decided. Mercy Madness must be punished. I’ll alert the Elders that we need to meet.”

chapter seven


I ROLL MYpen along the dark wood table as we discuss the fate of a sinner whose name stirs lyrical thoughts inside my mind—thoughts which beg to be put to paper.

This is a manner of torture for me, having jumbled words inside my mind without the time or space to scratch them out with my pen. It has me struggling through this collective discussion between the three ruling Elders and the seven members of the Control.

I clear my throat and push back to straighten in my seat, intent on engaging with reason and sound judgment, as it is my duty.

The Control are seated at the black semi-circular table in the courtroom here at the Homestead. The room is a large, barren square, starkly different from the rest of the manor, where everything is elegant and opulent.

This room has black walls and furniture, and a cold, slate-tiled floor. The two light sources are strategically placed—one above the center of our semi-circular black table, and the other directly above a spot on the opposite side where it can serve as a spotlight over the accused who would stand before us.

This room is where we cast judgment over the sinners and lawbreakers in Ember Glen. Fortunately for us, this room is hardly used, thanks to the grace of our God. Because God commands that we indulge during each full moon, the Impulse of men is satisfied, such that the rest of our days are free from violence, debauchery, and sin.

The three Elders appear on the projected screen on the black wall opposite where we sit. Due to their advancing age, they remain physically excluded from the general population. It’s crucial their health be maintained so they can provide guidance to Ember Glen, to ensure we follow the guiding principles set forth by their forefathers, who founded our community set away from the world after a new civil war split the nation.

We were all lucky to have been born here.