Page 44 of Only For Him

“Your boyfriend is coming to save you, although I have my doubts. He doesn’t have a lot of courage.”

Then, she remembered the call. That must have been so he could bring her to this lovely place. This asshole tased her a second time after the call, and she passed out.

“He’s so fucking arrogant. I can’t wait until I can kill the bastard.”

Terror screamed through her because she knew the one thing this man wanted to do was kill Vic. She might have given up on Vic, but she didn’t want him dead. She didn’t want him hurt unless it was a swift kick to the groin for dumping her.

She knew she should probably fear what was happening to her. This man was definitely going to hurt her somehow to get back at Vic.

“I wouldn’t believe him,” she said.

“Why is that?”

“I told you last night that Vic didn’t care about me.”

“I have no idea why you would think that,” Vic said somewhere off to her right. She tried to turn around to look, but sharp pain exploded in her head. It’s then that she realized that Bartlett had hit her with the butt of his gun.

“You touch her again, and I will rip you apart with my bare hands.” His voice seemed calm, but Addy heard the deadly intent beneath the words. He was probably going to do it anyway.

“How sweet. My son would be alive if you have been this good of a man before.”

“Your son is dead because I am exactly the same man.”

Way to calm him down, Vic.

Addy blinked against the pain, fighting it back so she could open her eyes. She heard steps behind her, knowing that it had to be Vic. Frank Bartlett’s gun shook, but it didn’t move away from her. Panic hit her hard. There was no need to freak out because Vic was there now.

The footsteps stopped behind her. “Addison, are you okay?”

She licked her lips, and the taste of metal hit her. Frank must have split her lip.

“Answer him,” Frank said. She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but she knew that wouldn’t help the situation.

“I-I’ve been better but doing okay.”

“Don’t worry. We’ve got this.”

Something in his tone told her he was trying to send her a message.

“Yeah, you do. Both of you are going to die.”

“Come, now, Frank, how are you going to accomplish that. You are by yourself, and we’re…not.”

That pause made her think, turning over the two comments. In a blink, she realized that he wasn’t here alone. More than likely, at least Justin was with him.

Frank moved his gun away from her chest and raised it to a target behind her. Addy wanted to turn to look, but she didn’t want to get hit again. She was pretty sure she had at least a mild concussion. Who knew what would happen if she got hit again?

Still, Vic was so huge that there was no way Frank was going to miss.

“Let Addison go. She’s not important.”

Even knowing that he said that before, told her he wanted nothing else to do with her, it still hurt to hear. At least he hadn’t written her off. She knew he was only here out of obligation, but at least he had shown up.

Frank stepped closer to Vic, now almost parallel with her. “I think you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t care about her.”

She blinked. She swore she could see shadows moving by the windows.

“I don’t like to lose. If you kill her, I will lose the game we’re playing.”