Page 19 of Only For Him

“I think she had to with her family the way it was. Her brother was apparently a screwup.”

“Yeah. But you think she’s a sub in bed?”

He knew she was. He’d seen her interest when Addy had brought her little friend to CP last year. Just thinking of the way her eyes dilated left his cock twitching and his heart hammering against his chest.


“Then, I think you need to do something. Or…seriously, man, I’m going to have to ban you from the club.”

He narrowed his eyes as he studied his partner. “Why?”

“You’re a mean son of a bitch when you have a case of blue balls.”

Vic wanted to deny it, but it was the truth. Unfortunately, he didn’t think he’d be able to solve the problem with any other woman. Not at that moment, at least.

“I know you say you’ve got to give her space, but that doesn’t mean you can’t convince her.”

He had been doing that from afar. “I sent chocolates.”

“And you can’t send flowers because that would be silly. Plus, you’d have to use another florist, smart as usual. Vic, you’re a man who always has a plan, and that doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for her to come to you.”

Vic sighed. “She’s different.”

“Yep, and I want to make sure you get her.”


“Because otherwise, you’re going to be a pain in the ass to deal with. Go get that woman.”

He nodded as Justin rose to leave.

“Did you talk to that guy?”

Vic frowned and looked up. “What guy?”

“I guess not then,” Justin said with a smile. “Just some guy looking into a case for you.”

“What did he look like?”

Justin shrugged. “Five eight, maybe nine. At least two hundred and fifty pounds. He’s balding.”

Vic tried to remember who they were using for the latest case. “Okay. I’ll check into it.”

Justin nodded. “Go get Addy. She’s waiting for you.”

With that, he left Vic alone with his thoughts. He guessed he had been avoiding it, worried she would dig in her heels if he pressed his case too much. Addy was…well, she was stubborn. But there was one thing she had to understand…he was even more determined.

Addy frownedwhen she heard her doorbell ring on Sunday at seven in the morning. She was up, but she didn’t think anyone she knew would show up this early. At least anyone who wanted to live.

She stumbled to the door, almost walking into the wall. She looked through the peephole. Standing there on her stoop was Vic. Heat danced over her nerve endings before she could stop it. She frowned. What was he doing there? He’d been leaving her alone except for the little presents of chocolates popping up every few days. And, she hated to admit it. She’d missed seeing his sexy face.

Apparently sensing her, he held up a bag of donuts and what appeared to be a cup of coffee.

“I hear you in there.”

She sighed and opened the door. “Whatcha got there, Vic?”

“I know you worked late last night for a wedding, so I thought I would bring breakfast for you.”