Page 12 of Only For Him

“Nope, it was the way you said his name. He spent the night.”

Mandy practically yelled it into the phone. There was a deep male voice of protest in the background.

“Sorry, babe,” Amanda said. Then Addy heard some shifting around and realized that Amanda was moving through her little house in Hawaii.

“It is very early if you woke up the SEAL.”

She laughed. “No. We were up late celebrating. The three musketeers were together again, along with other family members. And don’t think I’m letting you off the hook. What happened?”

Addy didn’t want to talk about it. She was still too raw and worse, intrigued by the offer he’d given her. No. Not offer. It was a demand.

But she knew Amanda would not let it go.

“Okay, so he came in. I offered coffee, then we had hot monkey sex.”

There was a beat of silence, then a chuckle. “It took the man long enough.”

“It’s the only time it will happen.”


“No. He wants to be a Dom with me. I can’t do that.”

But you could for him.

She pushed that thought back, trying to ignore the way her entire body heated thinking about it. Giving someone that kind of power over her wasn’t in the cards. It just wasn’t something she thought she could ever do.

“I think you have a warped idea of what that kind of relationship is like.”

She knew some people needed that on some level bed. She just wasn’t one of them. Addy had been sure that Vic had finally realized that she wasn’t a woman who could give him that and accepted.

She should have known better.

“I know that it isn’t a bad thing.”

“Do you want to return to how you were with him before?” Mandy asked quietly. “Just arguing for foreplay and no completion?”


It was easy for her mind to scream the answer, but the woman needed more time.

“That pause tells me you aren’t sure. Just don’t say no because you are having a knee-jerk reaction. You could miss out on something wonderful.”

The happiness in her best friend’s voice made her smile. Less than two years ago, Amanda had found a lover and Dom in her friend Mal Dupree.

“Okay, I’ll wait.”

“Good. Now, I called for other reasons.”

She could hear the smile in her friend’s voice and couldn’t but help respond with one of her own. “Is it to offer me a paid trip to see you?”

“Well, maybe not now, but I would love for my new baby to meet Auntie Addy in about seven months.”

Her brain didn’t function for a second, then happiness burst through her. Tears pricked the back of her eyes.

“Oh, Mandy, I’m so happy for you.”

“You were the first person I called, but Mal had to brag about it to everyone. Then, they all drank to his manliness.”