Page 15 of Only For Him

“And I wonder how you’ll be able to drive with two broken hands.”

There might have been amusement in Vic’s voice, but there was also a thread of menace still darkening his words.

The blonde Adonis gave her another wink, but he let her go.

“Are you going to introduce us?” he asked Vic without breaking eye contact with her.


“Vic,” she admonished.

He sighed. “Justin Ballentine, Addison Mahler.”

She smiled. “Nice to meet you.”

Justin chuckled. “I think this might be the best New Year I’ve had in a long time.”

He stepped out of her way so she could walk around him. Vic was still glowering at her. Of course, Vic looked sexy doing it. He looked sexy doing all kinds of things, but today…she sighed. She loved when Vic dressed casually. He rarely showed up at her father’s house in anything but a suit…but damn, she loved the way he looked dressed down.

A crisp green shirt might have been cut to fit his specific frame, but it did little to hide the power of the muscles beneath. He was a big man, one with sleek muscles, and when he wrapped them around her, she felt as if nothing in the world could hurt her.

The jeans he wore were riding low on lean hips. She remembered how her fingers had dug into his flesh right there as he plunged into her…

“Whoa,” Justin said. “I think I’m going to get high off the hormones floating around here.”

Her face burned hot. She wasn’t accustomed to losing control like that.

“Behave, Justin, or I’m sure Addy’s father knows some people in the government who can make you disappear.”

It was said in such a calm voice that she laughed. “That he does. Speaking of which…”

“He’s in his office.”

She rolled her eyes. “Lawyers.”

“Exactly. They’re boring,” Justin said. “I say we run away together.”

She laughed. “I’ll go say hi.”

She scooted around the men and got out of the room without further incident. She ignored the tickle she felt on her back, telling her Vic was watching her leave. She found her father sitting in his desk chair, staring at the rain.

“Hey, Dad.”

He shook himself and looked at her. A sad smile curved his lips. “Good afternoon, Addison.”

He tried to stay stuffy and sometimes succeeded, but she heard the need there. They had survived a lot together, and today…well, they would always be together on this day each year.

“I met our guest.”

“You know Vic.”

She smiled, realizing she had come to think of Vic as a family member.

“No, his friend.”

Her father nodded. “Yes. Ballentine. Odd friendship.”

“I don’t think anyone would have put Amanda and me together as friends. Sometimes you just find someone who understands you.”