“How could that happen?” I asked.

We made officers check those keys in and out with the same procedures we used to give them squad car keys, service revolvers, and badges.

“A number of years ago we had a dirty cop. Name of Brian Peterson. We busted him extorting money from the local business owners, supposedly for extra police protection.” She made air quotes for that last part.

I shook my head in disgust. I hated cops who abused their power like that. Potter’s face showed the same disgust as mine.

“We confiscated his weapon and badge when we arrested him, but according to the report, he said he’d lost the master key that had been assigned to him. Looks like it was never followed up on since he went to prison, I don’t know why. It’s the only key unaccounted for.”

“Let me guess, Peterson is out now.”

Potter nodded. “Released about a month ago, currently on parole. But there’s more, Chief.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“His parents were the former owners of the bookstore. I gave them a call at their home in Florida this morning to ask about his whereabouts, but they weren’t sure where he ended up. They said the last time they talked to him in prison a couple years ago, they had a big fight. The guy was angry that his parents sold the bookstore, claimed he wanted to continue their legacy or something. Of course they didn’t buy it, because he never expressed interest in the store before. Told him it was too late anyway, because they’d already sold the business to Ms. Fontenot. He cussed them out and made a bunch of threats, and they told him not to contact them again. The Petersons were a nice couple, but they ended up with a jerk for a son.”

Potter took a deep breath and continued her report.

“A few weeks ago, they got an email from him out of the blue, saying he was on parole and was going to go straight and run his own business. They never responded to him. I’m guessing Evie’s is the business he wants to run. Although it doesn’t look like he has any assets from what I can see, so I’m not sure how he thinks he can take over the store.”

“Well, that explains why there are messages telling her to leave, but no major damage to the store,” I said. “Although vandalism and vague threats to leave aren’t exactly the work of a criminal mastermind.

Potter nodded. “Yeah, that guy was never the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Even still, I think we should keep an eye on Evie until we can bring Peterson in. He might get bolder now that he’s not been successful in getting her to give up the business with vandalism and vague threats.”

“Agreed. And we need to get everything re-keyed right away.”

I grimaced, thinking that rekeying all the businesses was going to be a big hit on the police department’s very small budget.

“Already on it, Chief. We got the locksmith on hold, waiting for your go-ahead.”

“Do it.”

I stood up from my desk, unconsciously rubbing the bruise on my chest. Potter smirked.

“Heard Ms. Fontenot tagged you right over the heart with a paint gun last night, thinking you were an intruder.”

“You heard right,” I admitted, feeling a flush of embarrassment climb my face. “I let her get the drop on me like an amateur. I’m going to go over to her place and let her know what we found out, and work on a safety plan.”

“She’s a beautiful woman,” Potter remarked. “Sweet too. I also heard you two were a bit cozy last night. Johnston said there was a vibe, and your handprint was on her shoulder.”

“I’m surprised at you, Potter. I didn’t think that you were one to gossip.”

My assistant chief looked embarrassed.

“I was raised here, Chief. Gossip is in my DNA, but I usually try to rein it in.”

“Good plan. See you later.”

I drove over to Evie’s house in my cruiser, wondering if I’d find her at home. I wondered why she worked six days a week. From what I’d heard, she was doing really well at the bookstore. She could probably hire an assistant manager or something so she could work less. I should suggest that to her. But maybe not when her paintball gun was around.

Evie wasn’t home so I pulled up her phone number and sent her a text.

Jake:This is Jake.Where are you?

Evie:Jake who?

Jake:Haha.Seriously I need to talk to you.