Page 89 of Step Bully

“Jules.” He put his hands lightly on my shoulders. “Focus on me and breathe. You’re okay. You’re safe.”

Was I?

“Breathe in. Then out. Just focus on me and do what I do.”

I stared up at him blearily. Tremors ran through me.

He yanked me against his chest, folding me into a hug.

I clung to him and did as he said, trying to mirror him as he pulled in deep, slow breaths.

“There you go.” He rubbed my back, the motion soothing and comforting at the same time. “Just keep breathing. He’s gone. You’re safe.”


“I’m here.” He held me in his arms until my breathing finally returned to normal.

“Did he do it? Do we need to go to the hospital?” he asked quietly, his lips next to my ear.

A sob tore from my throat as I shook my head. My knees buckled.

“Okay.” He breathed out, gripping me tighter. “It’s okay, Jules.”

“He tried to… I said no… I didn’t want it…” Sobs punctuated my aborted sentences, and hot tears spilled over my cheeks.

“I know, Jules. I know.” He pressed a kiss against my temple. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

I clung to him and cried, unable to stop, and I didn’t even care.

I was tired.

So fucking tired.

“It’s okay.” He kissed my temple again. “Let it out, and I’ll take you home.”

I buried my face in his neck and did what he said.

Someone pounded on the door. “Hey, some of us need to piss!”

I jumped.

“One minute!” Ash shouted.

“Hurry the fuck up!”

“You okay to go out there?” Ash studied me, his concerned gaze tracing over my face.

“I want to go home,” I said softly.

“I know.” He gently wiped away my tears with his thumb, still holding me up with one strong arm.

“Why are you being nice to me?”

“Because contrary to what you may think, I’m not a monster.” He lifted the corner of his lips in a crooked smile.

“But you hate me.”

“Maybe. But you need someone to look after you right now.”