Page 85 of Step Bully

Then there was his expression. He was standing with a group of guys, a drink in his hand and a smirk on his face, looking casual as could be.

“He’s so hot.” Darcy turned back to me. “You sure you can’t chat me up to him?”

“We’re really not that close,” I repeated lamely. I wished I still had my beer so I could chug the damn thing.

“I heard he’s dating Genesis.”

Darcy rolled her eyes at Elle. “I doubt it. I heard they had a thing last year and she can’t let go.”

“That sounds like her.” Elle lifted my cup to her lips. “I’m out of beer.” She pouted.

“Come on. Let’s get refills and go find some guys who actually want to fuck us.”

Elle gave me a brilliant smile as Darcy pulled her away.

“Bye, Jules!”

I waved.

Shit like what Darcy had said pissed me off. It was passively homophobic. Like my only worth as a person was whether or not I liked tits or wanted to stick my dick in girls.

Elle was cool, but Darcy needed to work on her ally skills. She claimed to be one but certainly didn’t act like it.

I needed a refill.

Or to go home.

Sighing, I made my way to the kitchen to get another drink.

I picked up a shot glass with bright pink liquid, not caring what was in it. I downed it, then coughed pathetically. Jesus, that burned. The overwhelming sweetness to it was disgusting, like acid and fruit punch.

I grabbed a clear one from a different tray and sniffed it. Spices hit my nose, like cinnamon. I liked cinnamon.

I shot it back and nearly dropped the glass as I was hit with a coughing fit. It might have smelled like cinnamon, but it tasted like fire. Maybe shots weren’t for me.

This time I bypassed the beer and poured a few inches of vodka into the bottom of a cup, then filled it to the top with Coke.

I chugged half of it, but another coughing fit stopped me from finishing it.

Fuck, that was strong.

I needed to work on my bartender skills. Otherwise, I’d give myself alcohol poisoning.

Maybe I should just leave.

I wasn’t having fun, and I didn’t know anyone here. I should have stayed home.

I took another sip of my drink, grimacing as the vodka burned a trail down my throat, and headed out of the kitchen.

I didn’t know if it was because I’d mixed beer and vodka, but the booze was hitting hard. I was going to go from buzzed to drunk quickly.

Good. That was exactly what I’d wanted.

My gaze was drawn back to Ash, and my stomach clenched.

Genesis was hanging off him. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, one leg kicked up like they were in a cheesy rom-com as they shared a messy kiss.

I tore my gaze away from them and gulped down as much of my too-strong drink as I could before the burning forced me to stop.