Page 73 of Step Bully

Jules glared at me. “I meannow. Why are you home now?”

“Because I live here.”

“But you’re never home at this time.”

“Well, I am today.”

He was curled up on the couch with a textbook in his hands and a pencil tucked behind his ear.

“I’m not going into my room.”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

He snorted. “Like you ever ask for anything.”

“I ask for things all the time.” I shot him a hard look as I made my way to my room. “Jesus fuck!”

I grabbed on to the wall to stop myself from tripping over the pair of Chucks he’d left behind the couch.

He snickered. The asshole.

“Really?” I kicked the shoes out of the way. His snicker turned into a giggle. “You think that’s funny?”

“It was pretty funny.” He lifted his hand to hide his smile.

“Keep your shit off the floor, or I’m tossing it down the garbage chute.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

He jumped up, his textbook hitting the floor with a loudsnap.

“You’re such an asshole.”

He glared at me, jutting his chin out defiantly.

A vision of stuffing my dick into his mouth to shut him up invaded my senses, and I took a step back.

Nope. Not going down that road again. No matter how good it felt.

“It’s no wonder you don’t have anyone.”

My stomach swooped, a pang of loneliness hitting out of nowhere.

It was true. I didn’t have anyone. Sure, I had friends here, but other than Tripp, none of them really knew me. And even then, Tripp only saw the side of me I showed him.

My father wanted nothing to do with me, my mother thought of me as an inconvenience, Jules hated me, and his dad barely tolerated me.

The only person in my fucked-up family who gave two shits about me was my little sister.

“Awww, cat got your tongue?” Jules came around the couch and stepped into my personal space.

“Not now, Jules,” I gritted out, balling my hands into fists so I didn’t grab him and throw him against the wall. “You don’t want to push me right now.”

“Or what?” He bumped my chest with his. “You think I don’t have claws too? That I won’t fight back?”

“I don’t remember you fighting very hard the last time we were this close.”