Page 67 of Step Bully

Ash grunted in my ear and sank his teeth into my neck. He lost his rhythm, thrusting that pornstar dick into me in an erratic stutter.

Then he was driving into me, holding deep inside me as his cock pulsed, heat filling me as he filled the condom.


My body reacted to the whispered word, tensing up to the point of pain. I let go, releasing all over the wall as my vision blinked in and out.

He lessened his grip on my throat, not allowing me to pull in a full breath but giving me enough leeway to gasp in gulps of air so I didn’t pass the fuck out.

Ash pulled me against his body, holding me tight as he shuddered and shook against me.

I rode the waves of pleasure. Flutters of happiness shot through me as I sank into the sort of embrace.

I’d never come that hard in my life.

My mind was fuzzy, my body heavy, like it wasn’t under my control anymore.

“It’s okay, Jules.” Ash tightened his arms around me. “I’ve got you.”

I giggled as a wave of pure bliss hit me.

I felt good, too good to question why Ash hadn’t thrown me onto the floor and walked away now that we were done.

I winced as he slipped out of me, my hole clenching around nothing.

“I don’t like that,” I whispered, my words slurring together. “The coming out part.”

“Doesn’t feel all that great to me either.” He shifted me in his arms.

“Why are you being nice to me?” I stared dazedly at the wall.

“Because you were kind enough to give me your ass. The least I can do is keep you upright until your brain resets.”

“You fucked me stooopid.” I giggled and flopped my head back against his shoulder. “You should do porn, bruh. Your dick is magic.”

He chuckled and rubbed my stomach with one big hand. “Your ass is pretty magical too.”

I giggled again, then drew in a deep breath. “I feel funny.”

“It’ll clear. Just keep breathing.”

“Nice Ash is freaking me out.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to him. He’s only here because you’re still cum drunk from the amazing dick I just gave you.”

“Cum drunk? But you used a condom…”

“Breathe, Jules. Let that big brain of yours reset.”

I did as he said, pulling in one cleansing breath after another as my senses slowly returned.

Ash must have felt me stiffen in his arms because he let go the exact second reality crashed down on me.

I’d been a blubbering, simpering mess in his arms. What the fuck?

He stepped back, the sound of latex snapping as he presumably took off the condom, then walked away without saying a word.

I stood at the wall, my pants around my thighs and my dick and stomach sticky with my release. I winced. My cum had even stained the wall.