Page 56 of Step Bully

He sent a GIF of someone tilting their head in confusion.

Jules:i spent my grocery money on ubers for a hookup that never happened

Declan:sorry bro that sucks

Jules:im going to die a virgin

Declan:you can try again

Jules:ugh dont want to even look at grindr again

Declan:you could try meeting someone in person

Jules:yeah cause im just surrounded by local gays

Declan:dont forget bi dudes

Jules:i wouldnt even know where to look

Declan:i got nothing. not my scene and i dont know how campuses work down there

Jules:you always say down here like im in the south

Declan:ur below the border so ur down there to me

Jules:thats what he said

Jules:i gotta go my car is almost here. wanna do some COD in a bit

Declan:cant im out rn

I sent him a have fun GIF, exited out of the app, and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

At least Ash would be gone tonight and maybe all weekend. I could wallow in the living room instead of being holed up in my tiny-ass closet room for the next few days.

* * *

When I pushedthe front door open, the apartment was dark.

Thank fuck Ash was out.

It wasn’t late, just after nine, but that meant I’d have the whole night and possibly the weekend to myself.

I flipped on the main light and kicked off my Chucks, leaving them by the door. Ash wasn’t home to bitch about them.

I’d purposely skipped dinner for… reasons. When I’d taken my shower earlier, I’d also douched for the first time. That had been an experience. I didn’t like it, but I got why it needed to be done.

I was starving, and the only thing in the fridge was a half carton of milk, two apples, and a yogurt.

Sighing, I grabbed the yogurt and one of the apples. I had a few cans of beans, a megapack of ramen, and a family-sized package of spaghetti in my cupboards, but that was it.

That was all I had to eat for the next week.

Good thing I wasn’t cutting carbs.

I took my “dinner” to the couch and flopped down on it dramatically.

I tried not to think about how sad my life was as I ate the apple, then the yogurt, slurping it right out of the container rather than getting my ass up to grab a spoon.